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  1. S

    Cheap n Nasty to a Good Little Smoker!

    The new look Just some sanding and buffed with bees wax
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    Cheap n Nasty to a Good Little Smoker!

    I bought this pipe from amazon and although it was ok to smoke, it looked horrendously chap! Almost like it had some sort of plastic coating on it. So, being as I'm the new owner of a dremmel and I'm going to be using it on estate and hobby pipes, I thought I'd try t out on a pipe I don't mind...
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    What Kind of Looks/Reactions do You Get While Smoking in Public? Good or Bad!

    +1A* Scottishjohn I'm 34 and the general consensus in the uk is pipes are for grandads! There's not even a kinda retro movement (that I know of) That I can slot into and pretend I'm being hip lol. When I walk around town I get stares like I've sprouted another head or stupid smirks and giggles...
  4. S

    Traveling Abroad With Pipes

    Misterzombie you won't have trouble finding a supply of pipe tobacvo in France. Unless your going really rural there is a tabac on every corner! And you won't get mugged for prices either
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    My First Estate Pipes

    Thanks ghost. They really helped
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    My First Estate Pipes

    Its a b2 les. Which is a killarny red fishtail. Just finished cleaning and polishing. The silver come up lovely but following photo is on my phone so dont do it justice
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    My First Estate Pipes

    Vaboatbuilder is it kinda like a sour fruity smell? Any tips would be received greatly guys. I've never refurbished a pipe. Christ I've only been smoking 6 weeks lil
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    Thinking of Getting a Dog

    I am a bulldog man. The only thing I'd add to the comment from chris is that bulldogs only tend to defend a home if the low life enters the property from an unusual place. Generally if they come through the front door the bully will, we'll be a bully and pin him down for a cuddle and good lick...
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    My First Estate Pipes

    So ive not been on the forum the last two days as I've been fueling my pad! And what a buzz. Ive not used ebay before and I've aquired 10 or so pipes. Two came this morning. Very nice peterson pipes n great condition. So grest I was gonna give one a quick vlean and smoke in my excitement but...
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    Show Us Your Dogs!

    Here's my 3 girls. Amy, ,scarlet and leia.
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    My Tobacco Order

    EMP has become my regular trhu the day smoke. Enjoy it mate
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    First attempt.....Epic failure

    Don't consider it an epic fail mate. I've been smoking a pipe five weeks now and my first experience was much like yours. Research different packing methods and practice. You'll find one that suits you or like me, you'll take bits from different methods and make your own up. The best advice I...
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    CAO Meerschaums & Feel free to add me too if you like When I recieve an order I'll start a thread and review them
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    CAO Meerschaums

    I recently added a couple of Turkish guys to my Facebook account. I've not ordered yet, but will be, and I've had a decent enough broken English dioloug with them to believe they are in fact carving the pieces themselves. My £ to $ conversion is not 100% accurate but I believe they work out to...
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    Some thoughts on OTC pipes.

    That was a very well written post. I really loved the way you told the story and the nod of the head to the great working man. :clap:
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    Early Bird Club

    Morning chaps and chapesses! Not so early for me but when your a single dad and your boy wakes up late you make the most of it :lol: Normal after feeding ritual - bowl of EMP In my magic inch and a steaming espresso whilst checking the forum out
  17. S

    New to Smoking Pipes and Very Excited

    Big hello to you! That is a georgeous pipe. I'm gonna have to find one as I have a keen interest in roman times, especially Caesar!