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  1. S

    GQ Tobaccos - Breakfast Blend - new uk blender

    Well new blender is not entirely accurate. The chap has been blending Guantleys blends for a few years. I'm sorry I'm not a great review writer. I'll try my best. Breakfast end is described by the blender as an oriental and it's, knowingly, my first oriental. To look at, it's a ready rubbed...
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    Current, Interesting Pipe Shops in London, UK

    Hi bob. We are in a very sad state of affairs as far as shops go unfortunately. But, shops to visit in London would be - JJ Fox I would say is a must visit I would say. Lots of history there. I believe they still have the chair in the room Winston Churchill used to sit in and smoke. Also st...
  3. S

    My Year as a Pipe Smoker (With Pics)

    Nice stash! I'm about 2 weeks off of my year! Being off and obsessive nature And heavy smoker my cellar at present is of three bulk blends of PS luxury bullseye flake, C&D Morning Bayou and Atltsdis 965 match. They just get better by the month! I can recommend these 3 to the OP and y'all that...
  4. S

    Does Price Make a Pipe???

    I don't have anything real expensive but I did think that money would buy me a better smoke. I spent £250 on a Dunhill and sold it 2 months later. Thank goodness they hold value reasonably! I gave it a good go, I'm a heavy smoker. For me, I still went back to 3 pipes I have which were basket...
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    If You Don't Have A Mustache You're Missing Out

    I've been toying with the idea of growing mine back! Cheers dude you've just given me the deciding factor!
  6. S

    Storing Tobacco in Bulk

    Thanks guys. I will have to buy myself some more mason jars!
  7. S

    Altadis 965 match

    Very well put Mr novelist! I see what they're doing by aligning themselves with Dunhill but its actually a very nice smoke on its own merits. It's a good advertising ploy. After all I would probably have never tried it before had it not been likened to a blend I enjoy. Sitting here just at the...
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    Altadis 965 match

    I've just received some of this in bulk and calling it a "match" is a bit strong. That's not to say its not a very nice tobacco. I would say similar to 965 is a fair description. In a nutshell this will be my all day and all night smoke now. It's deep and tasty. Pleanty of Latakia a d a...
  9. S

    Storing Tobacco in Bulk

    Good afternoon chaps and chapesses! I have just received my first ever bulk purchase of baki from smoking pipes. 56 oz of Atltadis 965 match. 56 oz of Cornell & Diehl morning bayou and 68 oz of Peter Stokkebye bulseye. Having never stored this amount, hints and tips would be greatly...
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    Help Me Chose a Vintage Please

    Thanks guys. Your all helpfull as usual.
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    Help Me Chose a Vintage Please

    My options have changed somewhat anyway. I don't know if there is a translation problem being a German site but on further reading it said not for consumption. In which case, why would anyone pay $90 for a 40 year old unsmokeable tin of nightcap? I've gone with pipes and cigars and bought some...
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    Buying online from USA to uk

    Has anyone made any transatlantic purchases online? USA to uk? Did you get majorly stung by customs? If at all
  13. S

    Help Me Chose a Vintage Please

    Good morning pipe buddies. As most of you know, it's international pipe day on the 20th. To celebrate, I'm traveling 200 miles by train to join the Nottingham pipe club for the evening. Now I plan on taking something a little special with me for the occasions sake and because I don't know anyone...
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    Pipes and Cigars EMP Match

    Thanks gray. That sounds much like EMP from your description and you answered my main concern which was if I was gonna get stuck with a bag of nastiness. It's so cheap, especially by the uk standards, I gotta give it a go. Cheers for the reply dude
  15. S

    Pipes and Cigars EMP Match

    Has anyone tried pipes and cigars (.com) dunhill matches. In particular EMP and My mixture. The prices just sound too good to be true!
  16. S

    My PAD and photos

    Good afternoon gents and getntesses! I know, like myself, all of my new found pipe smoking cyber buddies on here like a photo or two to browse so here is my collection so far. I must add I've only been at this hobby since December and these are just my smokers! I have a box of eBay estates to...
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    Cigar Tobacco in a Pipe?

    Mikephillips I thought I was dedicated to the tobacco leaf lol! That's some going rolling your own cigars tho if I could get the means I would probably give it a go!
  18. S

    Cigar Tobacco in a Pipe?

    I've purchased a few cigars and I've just lit one which s so tight it's unsmokeable! I once read, on here I think, of someone's grandmother clipping off a half inch of her husbands cigar and smoking it in a briar. What do you guys think? Would you give it a go? Prepare the cigar and pop it in a...
  19. S

    Pipe Shape Help??

    Well pitchfork ( love the name!) when I purchased it, it was in a Comoys cabinet in a newsagents selling a few blends. I asked the guy "are these comoys" and got a "yes yes sir, comoys very good" Now they were not marked comoys so I pursued it with the guy who assured me that the pipes I bought...
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    Today's deliveries of smokey treats!

    I should never have boasted of my haggling skills so soon! It would appear after an extensive net search that the two pipes are not comoys! Rather god ole basket pipes so I've probably over paid by£5-10. Or have I? I like the look and feel of both and certainly the bulldog(?) smokes well so at...