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  1. augiebd

    A Typical Reaction to Pipesmoking?

    The reactions I’ve always gotten are fond memories of a relative and I love the smell. That said there are not too many public places you can still smoke in this neck of the woods. Easier to enjoy a pipe at home.
  2. augiebd

    New and Old --- The Best of Both Worlds

    Just a stunning aesthetic and wonderful application of modern improvements!
  3. augiebd

    15 Year Anniversary Gift From my Wife

    Congratulations on the 15 years! That is a fine looking pipe, enjoy!
  4. augiebd

    OTC Tobacco

    I did the same thing a few years back and picked up a bunch of OTCs while travelling in the States. Was really glad I did really enjoyed them all. The Tinderbox in Tacoma is easy to get to and some of their bulk blends are also worth trying, e.g., luxury bullseye flake.
  5. augiebd

    Smoking Various Cheeses

    Unfortunately, in my house the biggest offender seems to be our Great Dane. As he gets older, it is a necessary accompaniment to a nap in front of the TV.
  6. augiebd

    Smoking Various Cheeses

    My wife would appreciate if my cheese game became this elevated.
  7. augiebd

    I’m Latakia’d out!

    I discovered Latakia early in my journey, still feel like it is home. My first really good, breakthrough smokes were lat blends. Hope I never lose that, time will tell.
  8. augiebd

    A Question About Different Types of Tobaccos

    My great-uncle smoked a meerschaum pipe but no one living remembers what blend he smoked. The father of a friend growing up smoked a pipe but I don’t know his blend either. It did always seem the same. Seemed to be a tobacco note with rum flavouring? This would’ve been in the 70’s. But, I agree...
  9. augiebd

    My Very Special 60th Birthday Pipe by Savinelli

    What a wonderful story, perhaps all predicated on wonderful relationships you nurtured as you accumulated those birthdays. Congratulations and belated happy birthday! Happy you have a unique memory for this one.
  10. augiebd

    Meer Shank Crack

    Nice repair, glad you’ll be able to continue to enjoy!
  11. augiebd

    Smoking as a Fine Art by A. A. Milne

    A fun read, I like the idea that it’s more about a basic quality pipe and tobacco you enjoy as you go about the day. Keep it simple and you will be rewarded. Nothing wrong with high end pipes and the sought after blends but the bottom line is those two check boxes, no more needed.
  12. augiebd

    Any Advice on Quitting Cigarettes?

    When I quit cigarettes, many years ago now, it was much the same as @cosmicfolklore, I was quitting for economic reasons. The thing I missed the most was the after meal smokes, so similar to others advice, try to have a plan to deal with the things you will really miss about cigarettes , like...
  13. augiebd

    Brigham filter substitute?

    My experience matches @shermnatman, the pipes smoke fine with the filters and without them. If you want your filters to last longer follow Sherm Natman’s advice on cleaning and drying. My palate is not discerning enough that it would distinguish the difference between the rock maple and a briar...
  14. augiebd

    Anyone Heard From Jay?

    I am also sending prayers and wishing him the best as he moves and gets settled.
  15. augiebd

    Lester Young is the US Slow Smoking Champion!

    Congrats, nicely done!
  16. augiebd

    Ah the Unconscious Mind

    Congratulations to you and your family, wonderful news! Piper is a fantastic name, for generations my family just recycled previously used names. Just not quite formally enough for anyone to become Reginald III but confusing to tell a story.
  17. augiebd

    Hello. I Need to Chill Out.

    Welcome from Western Canada!
  18. augiebd

    What’s the Weirdest Place You’ve Smoked a Bowl?

    Last summer I was staying at a hotel with a courtyard that had a pool. The designated smoking area was at one end of the courtyard. In this day and age it seemed strange to be able to smoke in such a visible and pleasant spot, especially in a state that isn’t as smoker friendly as some.
  19. augiebd

    First live pipe smoker

    Almost forgot, last summer went to Seattle and was smoking my pipe by the hotel pool. A fellow asked to join me to smoke a cigar. Turns out he’s also a pipe smoker from a town about three hours south of where I live in Canada. Again, I never saw him smoke a pipe. One day when I get to a pipe show.
  20. augiebd

    ***What Are You Smoking, April 2023?***

    Cool breezy, day so enjoying the shelter in the smoke shack with some Penzance in the Emre meer.