Any Advice on Quitting Cigarettes?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 10, 2023
Title edited for caps and brevity. Please read rule 9,

I love or loved smoking cigarettes but I kinda thing I start to grow out of it.

I already smoke self rolled VA tobacco and smoke the half of it while I roll the next one in the evening with beer.

I think I want to kick the addiction at some point and just enjoy 3-4 bowls of pipe.yeah another addiction but still better :D

Any of you transitioned to it and give me some advice?

Pipe tobacco is so much more interesting in flavour and it is really like a meditation for me.

I know at work I will sometimes will kick back to the fast nik hit and I accept that but it in the end I would rather enjoy good quality tobacco and a focused enjoyment.
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Nov 23, 2010
Central New Jersey
At one time in my youth I smoked both cigarettes and my pipe.
Quitting cigarettes for me boiled down to simple economics. Cigarettes got to be expensive here in New Jersey so I had to make a choice.
It was easy for me because I never particularly enjoyed cigarettes(they were a habit).
I devoted my meager resources to my lifelong hobby;collecting and smoking pipes.
Now beginning my 70s I am glad for the choice I made. puffy puffypuffy


Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 10, 2023
At one time in my youth I smoked both cigarettes and my pipe.
Quitting cigarettes for me boiled down to simple economics. Cigarettes got to be expensive here in New Jersey so I had to make a choice.
It was easy for me because I never particularly enjoyed cigarettes(they were a habit).
I devoted my meager resources to my lifelong hobby;collecting and smoking pipes.
Now beginning my 70s I am glad for the choice I made. puffy puffypuffy
I m 37 but I m trying to follow your foot steps ;)
Even I smoke VA natural ciagretts it's at some point time to quit it. Cause after a good pipe ciagrets are like gasuline


Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I think I want to kick the addiction at some point and just enjoy 3-4 bowls of pipe.yeah another addiction but still better :D
From one nicotine delivery system to another. Hardly a change. But, you will improve the odds for your lungs. I quit cigarettes a few years ago when Nat Sherman was sold and MCDs became unavailable, I prefer cigarettes without the chemically infused paper wrapper. There was no withdrawal as the nicotine level never dropped due to the pipes and cigars. You'll still feed the brain what it likes so . . . transition. Well, your oral fixation might require a replacement so you might find yourself carrying a cold pipe around to satisfy that. :sher:


Jan 25, 2019
Philadelphia Suburbs, Pennsylvania
I did this.

The key thing I can share with you about switching from cigs to pipe is to keep your Nicotine level up at all times.

You cannot just hit a pipe when you want some Nicotine the same way can with a cigarette.

Cigarettes are like the 'Crack' version of Nicotine delivery. You light up a smoke, you spike your N-level. Depending on your hunger and absorption rate, you ride that sated feeling until you begin to bottom-out, and then, you light-up another.

Spike, fast descent, Spike - that is the N-cycle with cigs; WHEREAS, your pipe will s-l-o-w-l-y ramps-up your N-level as you puff away on those first few bowls in the morning over time - and, has a slow descent.

The trick is not letting your N-level drop very low at all.

If you let your Nicotine-level bottom out, you WILL be reaching for a cig to spike it back up - and that, is working directly against you.

Of course, you could always smoke high Nicotine level pipe tobacco - as I do - and then, keep your N-level up with mid to lower-mid level Nic-level through-out the day.

I was a pack-a-day smoker for decades and decades; and even still, if I screw-up my N-level - such as not loading up before I go to bed at night - unless I want to start the day with something like 5 Brothers or some straight Perique, I would need to start the day with cig... to 'jump start' my N-Level because I didn't manage it right before turning in.

This is what you do not want to see happening.

Basically, for me, the difference between getting my Vitamin-N from Cigarettes versus Pipe Smoking, is the difference between going down the alley with some $50 Hooker for a five minute fast one, and, making love to beautiful woman over a relaxing weekend.

In short, if when switching to a pipe, you find yourself still jonesing for a cigarette from time-to-time, that was my clue I was not properly maintaining my Nic-level with the pipe.

Find your mid-level 'daily bread' pipe tabak, AND, find a couple of heavy-hitters for things like first thing in the morning and the last few bowls at night before bedtime.

Hope this is of help to you.

- Sherm Natman
Jul 26, 2021
I had wanted to quit cigarettes due to price (no time to RYO anymore), amongst other things. Almost simultaneously, I started vaping (since I don't smoke indoors, but will vape inside).

I inadvertently didn't smoke one weekend since I was so busy and figured "let's see where this ride goes."

The vape and weekend pipes helped tremendously. Haven't had a cigarette since mid-October.


Can't Leave
Feb 3, 2023
West Yonkers California
I use to smoke cigarettes and roll my own in my twenties and early thirties. I knew I should quit based on how my body felt. So I quit cold turkey. Almost 20 years later I rummaged through some boxes looking for my first pipe I bought when I turned 21. And here I am smoking a bowl a day when time permits. Occasionally twice a day if I have nothing going on.

My advice won’t be popular, but I’ll say quit smoking for at least a couple years and longer if you can. Reassess where you stand with addiction before jumping back into it, and especially if you’re trading one addiction for another. That’s never a good path.

I’m certain that pipe smoking is best when you’re able to put it down for extended amounts of time without getting agitated when you can’t smoke a pipe, or when you’re not thinking about smoking a pipe when you’re not smoking a pipe.
Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
I quit cigarettes in 2007, almost a 2 pack per day habit. I started out using Chantix but after about a week, I just decided to quit. Discarded the Chantix and haven't had one puff off of a cigarette since then. I didn't smoke anything for about six months then started in on Cigars. Wish I would have gone straight to the pipe. Good call getting of the cigarettes, good luck to you.


Dec 3, 2021
Connecticut, USA
I recently had to quit cigarettes for health reasons. Keep a few ounces of a nic heavier tobacco available for early morning and evening. Then smoke low nic mild blends during day. Morning and evening smokes are hardest to quit slowly substitute milder tobaccos. works for me. After two weeks ---a cig will make me sick. My 2 cents. Buy a filter pipe too.


Mar 4, 2023
Cleveland, OH, USA
I smoked cigarettes for a long time and now smoke pipes. I wish you great success. I have two pieces of advice. First regarding quitting cigs: When I was trying to quit, I did better when I didn't have any around. I shit, right? But the point is my biggest battleground and the one I put my focus on was buying the next pack. If I could avoid going to the places I bought smokes (usually gas station) during times when I was weak (like after dinner or after an evening out), I found I could go days without cigs just because they weren't right in front of me. Second regarding the transition: I was a fast cigarette smoker. I had to learn a different pace with the pipe. Learn to go SLOW. Best of luck!

UB 40

Jul 7, 2022
Cologne/ Germany
I smoked cigarettes for 45 years, then quit it completely, without any nicotine substitute. That was a hard time. I had two years without, and it was a good experience. My wife started with cigarettes again. And then I started vaping and pipe smoking, because I couldn’t stand her smelling of smoke.

Now the morning pipe delivers enough poison to keep the upfired addiction satisfied. I smoke a few shorter bowls throughout the day. It is an addiction.

Maybe some day I quit smoking habit for another few years. If you can go without, and you can, there’s really nothing to miss. To overcome an addiction, any addiction, is strongly rewarded with increasing energy, improvement of any bodily and psychological functions and refinement of smelling and tasting senses. Although admittedly it’s a bit of work to do.