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  1. augiebd

    What are You Smoking (WAYS)- a Must Read?

    I enjoy the thread. I don’t smoke often but have been posting lately. I keep up as I have the time to. There is an element of connection with the people who post and learning about the possibilities of pipes and blends.
  2. augiebd

    ***What Are You Smoking, April 2023?***

    Morning smoke was Walnut match in a new to me 3 star pipe by Lee. Then we had coffee with some friends followed by an afternoon smoke of Bald Headed Teacher in a new to me Tsuge Barrel. Good company and two new pipes that seem like they will be great smokers, can’t ask for more than that!
  3. augiebd

    First live pipe smoker

    We have a few B&Ms in the city I am in so I there are pipe smokers. Some are even members here. I’ve just never seen one smoking a pipe in public. Maybe a Canadian thing with all the restrictions, easier to smoke at home. I did meet a pipe smoker who owned a shoe repair business in a local mall...
  4. augiebd

    ***What Are You Smoking, April 2023?***

    Nice sunny day with no breeze, very pleasant. Enjoying some 2020 McBaren Dark Twist Roll Cake in a meer with coffee. So relaxing pipe nearly fell out of my mouth at one point!
  5. augiebd

    ***What Are You Smoking, April 2023?***

    Ran a bunch of errands this morning. Nice afternoon on the deck in the sun, a little breezy. Enjoying a home blend I made from whole leaf, 40% Virginia, 40% brown cavendish and 20% Latakia with about 5 years age on it in a meer. Coffee as a drink.
  6. augiebd

    Mad Magazine Artist Al Jaffee Dies at Age 102.

    Sorry for your loss, Jim. That is an incredible legacy.
  7. augiebd

    My First Altinay / Coloring progression

    That is some good colour for 75 bowls. I’d be encouraged if any of my meers coloured that fast!
  8. augiebd

    Very hard to get a cleaner through the tenon and into the bowl of a new meerschaum

    I have a meer that is also difficult to pass a pipe cleaner through the mortise. I can only do it if the stem is off and if I put a certain bend in the cleaner. The airflow was good and I liked the design so I kept it. It smokes well and I’ve become good at getting a pipe cleaner through. YMMV.
  9. augiebd

    The Beauty of Budget Pipes

    You are developing a good sense of what you appreciate in a pipe. Continue on that path and determine what makes a good smoker for you and you will be ready to dive into PAD when you’re finished with your stint as a cash-strapped student.
  10. augiebd

    Altinay Meershaum - One Year Later

    Yeah, some of my meerschaums are my most treasured pipes and I’d hate to have one crack coming in from the cold.
  11. augiebd

    Finding my way...

    A bug makes sense. Glad to hear you are feeling better. The water is a good idea. I usually have coffee or water on hand.
  12. augiebd

    ***What Are You Smoking, April 2023?***

    LL BCA in a meer, bearded man smoking a lion pipe carved by Emre.
  13. augiebd

    Tobacco timeline

    Seems like a milestone for you and civilization as we know it.
  14. augiebd

    Altinay Meershaum - One Year Later

    That is a great looking pipe and the colouring is fantastic. It is rounding into meer season here. I am a little cautious about smoking mine in the serious sub-zero temperatures we get in the winter.
  15. augiebd

    Stokkebye Shag Blends

    I have definitely enjoyed some “shag” cut ryo tobaccos in a pipe. I say give it a try. I have a few pipe shapes with tall narrow bowls that they shine in.
  16. augiebd

    Brown Sugar Flake at WCC

    Glad I have a few old tins of this put away. I’m never on top of releases!
  17. augiebd

    A Paschal Homily

    My father was raised in a Catholic family and I was baptized Catholic. My father wanted us to find our own way, he did not guide us at all but I still have strong affinities for liturgical practices.
  18. augiebd

    A Paschal Homily

    @Streeper541 Thanks for sharing the wonderful pictures.
  19. augiebd

    Finding my way...

    Good advice here, if it was a lower nicotine blend might be a combination of what you ate and length of session. Try some of the advice and let us know how you make out. Many of us have been there and made it through.
  20. augiebd

    Pipe Cleaning

    I also do a light clean after each smoke. It seems to be enough to prevent the need for deep cleaning which I would do if a pipe gets foul. Like @Chasing Embers I use alcohol on estate pipes.