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  1. augiebd

    No Taste out of my Newish Peterson

    I would second this advice as it has also been my experience and practice.
  2. augiebd

    My First JT Cooke

    Nice pickup, congratulations on winning the bid. Nice to add a piece that you think will be a challenge to add to your collection.
  3. augiebd

    Negoita Overload & A Few Others

    Congratulations that is some haul and innovative designs! Enjoy!
  4. augiebd

    New Commission

    Nice lines on the pipe and beautiful band. Congratulation, enjoy in good health!
  5. augiebd

    Virginia taste

    If you have trouble with the fold and stuff method for flakes other options include rubbing out the flake, cube cut or 1 or 2 second buzz in a small food processor. All these methods are documented on the forum if you do a search.
  6. augiebd

    Mr. Brog Dezerter #13

    That is a nice pipe. I have seen Mr. Brog around and never looked into them. Maybe I will now.
  7. augiebd

    A Pipe Smoker to Remember...

    Jim was my friend’s dad. He was a great guy, friendly, successful, nice house, vacation cottage, involved in the community and smoked a pipe. The smells of his tobaccos and pipe collection called to me. My friend and I did try his pipes one weekend but it never stuck because my friend was not...
  8. augiebd

    Thoughts on Smoking Indoors

    Yes, always bought cigarettes for my parents. I am happy to smoke outdoors. My wife and two kids have asthma so it doesn’t make sense to smoke indoors around them. When the weather is good they will join me outside.
  9. augiebd

    Why Did you Start Smoking a Pipe, and Why Do You Still?

    I come from a family where tobacco use was standard. Often strong, unfiltered cigarettes. My grandfather loved to give me his Players unfiltered to smoke and my dad often rolled his own by hand. My dad would also smoke cigars. I did smoke cigarettes but quit when they got to be over a dollar a...
  10. augiebd

    Barling's Make Clean-Up and Restoration

    Great work so far, Mike. So much learning from you and the group on this thread. Very interesting!
  11. augiebd

    I Think I Ghosted My Mouth

    I liked the description and am glad you enjoyed the experience. Smoking different blends throughout the day or mixing blends can be an art or just a routine. Whatever you like, as long as you‘re enjoying it.
  12. augiebd

    Old Reviews

    I also try to identify reviewers who provide the type of information that I find useful and then focus on their reviews. Not all reviews are equal.
  13. augiebd

    Any Love For the Peterson B shapes

    I have a B11 and all the B10s being posted are catching my eye, plus too many others. Must resist B-level PAD.
  14. augiebd

    Will Dunhill/White Spot Ever Go to Acrylic Stems

    I agree with the view that Dunhill depends on its history and reputation to justify its product and prices. The point made earlier by @MacMarty89 about there being little motivation for them to change their manufacturing process is important. The vulcanite and white spot will probably carry on.
  15. augiebd

    Crazy Tax on Pipe Tobacco

    While visiting my sister in Florida I do buy the allowed 7 oz for myself and 7oz for my wife to bring back to Canada. I was fortunately in the hinterlands and the prices were much better than Canada.
  16. augiebd

    Newby News - English Wars

    I’m excited to have several of these recommendations in the cellar waiting to be tried. English blends do make up a large portion of my cellar. I second Old Dublin and add MM 965.
  17. augiebd

    Recommend Me a Tobacco

    I’m glad to hear that you’ve been able to get some of the suggested blends. I would also second (or third) the suggestion of MM 965 if it is available to you. It is an English I enjoy a lot.
  18. augiebd

    Your Favorite Peterson Sherlock Holmes

    It smokes well too. Very happy with it.
  19. augiebd

    Ken Barnes Posts

    Thanks Jesse and Kevin. I appreciate the generosity in making his posts on Charatan and Upshall pipes easily available. It’s also a nice way to remember the generous way Ken shared his knowledge and expertise.
  20. augiebd

    Your Favorite Peterson Sherlock Holmes

    I only have one, a dark Baskerville. It is a really nice pipe.