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  1. donjgiles

    Ropp Sale Buys.

    Very nice! I have found a few Q tips and alcohol in the shank to remove any residual stain makes for a perfect first smoke! :)
  2. donjgiles

    Anyone Like Newminster No. 400?

    Next batch is due around Halloween.... :)
  3. donjgiles

    Chocolate for an English Smoker....

    John Aylesbury is the new name on the label. Here are all the blends offered by WCC... Don
  4. donjgiles

    Chocolate for an English Smoker....

    Now marketed as :)
  5. donjgiles

    Interesting Completed Ebay Auctions - British Pipes

    I am not a churchwarden kinda guy either, but it is a very cool package deal. Kudos to whomever bought it!
  6. donjgiles

    Interesting Completed Ebay Auctions - British Pipes

    Nice! Looks to have a bit of a cant to it, I am a sucker for a canted pipe!
  7. donjgiles

    Ropp Sale Buys.

    I bought this for less than $40.00. Great smoker, easily passes a cleaner without bending or twisting. I am tickled ...
  8. donjgiles

    A New Affliction, P-TAD

    I really like these... Nice wide base for a gentle, effective tamp.
  9. donjgiles

    Interesting Completed Ebay Auctions - British Pipes

    I was watching this one, very cool pipe! Selling price with shipping... almost $700.00...
  10. donjgiles

    First Time I Bought A Pound

    Is that the secret to a solid puck? Would that be the pucker factor? :)
  11. donjgiles

    Interesting Completed Ebay Auctions - British Pipes

    Nice ... $1,250 shipped...
  12. donjgiles

    Vinegar And Water

    Don't douche your pipe. :)
  13. donjgiles

    Jean Shorts

    Yeah.... NO
  14. donjgiles

    "Just Get Both",

    We can share what we got of your's, cuz we done shared all of mine.... :)
  15. donjgiles

    "Just Get Both",

    I have some jars of that from about the 2003 ish timeframe. Next time I cracka new jar I will send some your way, it is lovely stuff! :)
  16. donjgiles

    On Technique and Taste (and a Bit of Tolkien)

    That'll clean your pipes! :)
  17. donjgiles

    Favorite Red Virginia Mixtures/Blends?

    I thought they were brains :eek:
  18. donjgiles

    Bewlay 816...Any info

    To me, it has a very Sasieni Fantail look about it. Beautiful!
  19. donjgiles

    BJ Long Quality: Have You Noticed A Difference?

    I have taken to keep a pair of wire cutters next to my smoking chair for trimming of those burred ends. Frustrating, but not a huge deal.
  20. donjgiles

    My Current Project. Attention Car Guys.

    Ohhhh... 427!