Pelican in a Danish Stanwell HCA with a Rusty Nail on the side. I made it with Ardbeg 10, which might seem like heresy to some here, but it's the most complex Rusty Nail I've ever had.
I can't wait either, but that doesn't stop me. They are easy to make- rum, triple sec, fresh lime juice, splash of simple syrup and a banana. Put it in the blender with some ice and Bob's your uncle !!!
Thank you. I think of him even seeing the pipe in the rack. After he passed, the family gave the collection to his lifelong friend, also a pipe smoker, with the instruction to pass them out to his close friends. What a beautiful gesture.
Kensington in an old Barling Fossil LF. This pipe belonged to a friend that passed away early in the year. A fall sent him to the hospital and then a heart infection finished him off. :cry: