speaking from experience, never buy a cheap briar pipe. They smoke just plain badly and you will likely not enjoy it or enjoy it significantly less.
If your budget is low the corn cob pipes smoke well and are cheap. You can at least smoke those until you have a bit more money to spend.
I typically smoke house blends from local tobacconists so unfortunatley I can't help you with taste, BUT
I find the best trick for bringing some more moisture to dry tobacco that wasn't closed right or maybe sat on the shelf to long to be putting the open tin in a closed container (tupperware...
Does it take you to get the job done?
I'm talking routine, not thorough cleaning.
Takes me 1 and a half, most of the time.
Edit: Corrected the capitalization in title, L.
I'd go for the frog morton. I may be a bit biased because I live in Europe and we don't have it here but I have heard nothing but great things about it and would give my left foot to try a bowl.
I put the open tobacco in a piece of closable tupperware with a wet piece of cloth or paper towel and wait a few hours, or overnight. The next day it's good as new.
edit: when I say "open tobacco" I mean an open tin or pouch.
I have a small plate, one made for being placed under a teacup, I just let it sit there and feel the moisture every 10-20 minutes until it stops clumping when I pinch it, then it is ready.
I've also had the problem of tobacco not having much taste. 3 bowls in and I still hadn't tasted the stuff yet. I put it in a jar and let it sit for a few months and then tried it again and it had developed flavor!
I think the best way to learn packing methods is trial and error. Some blends smoke better when packed more tightly, and some more loosely. Luckily I found a good tobacconist when I bought my first pipe and showed me some tips, and approximately how tight/loose the average tobacco should be...
I've seen the thread late and wouldn't have been able to give much anyway as I am unfortunately living off of savings, but this thread is great! I hope you get a great cane Irish, and I hope you treasure it materially and sentimentally. :clap:
Two cheaters, but one is still considered a legitimate athelete and he got booty on the side to show for his lack of chaaracter. One gets all his accomplishments as good as wiped and is exposed as a cheater without even getting any.
I think the choice is clear. 8)