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  1. expatpipe

    MacQueen Pipes - Really Cool Churchwardens

    Waiting four months for a pipe after you've paid, :crazy: It's a pipe, not a Harley Davidson.
  2. expatpipe

    Ebay is bad for your bill fold.

    I second what unclearthur says, except I make that decision as close to end of auction as possible.
  3. expatpipe

    Ebay is bad for your bill fold.

    Ebay is the best thing since sliced bread. Enjoy your pipes!
  4. expatpipe

    and and and

    There is a pipe dealer online in America. He has a pipe I'd really like to purchase so I started reading his homepage. I've read the introduction over and over till it makes my head spin. Makes me wonder if the guy is legit or some kind a spaz. Heck, come to think of it, even his pipe...
  5. expatpipe

    The Barbershop

    Man, I imagine getting that 12 dollar treatment, walking outside, taking in the sun feeling the breeze, lighting up a pipe and feeling like a million bucks! Lawrence said it right, Lucky Devil.. :-))
  6. expatpipe

    The Barbershop

    ohin3, Great family history to be proud of. perseverance. Thanks for sharing.
  7. expatpipe

    The Barbershop

    Talked to my Dad on the phone and our old barber passed away, he cut my Grandpa's hair, my Dads first hair cut and mine, he cut my nephews hair for the first time too. Old funny nice guy that talked your ear off while a cig dangled from his mouth. Played the guitar or harmonica waiting on...
  8. expatpipe

    Favorite time to smoke?

    Early morning, sitting on the throne, reading mornings paper, coffee on window sill. :P Lifes finer moments..
  9. expatpipe

    The World is Backwards

    :laughat: I I owned that pipe, Everytime I tried to light it all the tobacco would fall out.. DOH!.. ín my best Homer voice.
  10. expatpipe

    The World is Backwards

    Been thinking.. The best rapper is white. The best golfer is black. The French says the US is arrogant. The Germans don't want to fight. The Russians are calling for diplomacy. The most anti-war president ever elected started a new war. All the Iranians I meet are fanatics.. fanatically PRO...
  11. expatpipe

    Dan Tobacco - Shannon

    Really nice, some things were just meant to be.
  12. expatpipe

    If I had money to burn.

    I just don't get the thinking process behind spending that much money on a pipe with no idea on how it smokes, other than the sellers note. Where would you go for smoker reviews of her pipes? You could ask on every pipe forum on the net and be lucky if you found one person who owns (and smokes)...
  13. expatpipe

    The original Tinderbox, Esy. 1928

    really cool, thanks for posting the pics. Would love to visit there someday. The owner would think I was completely crazy.. I'd ask him if I could paint and work on the building for free, lol.
  14. expatpipe

    Greece pipe advice

    Great! and Great to see you on here! :D
  15. expatpipe

    Greece pipe advice

    Thanks! I keep looking online trying to find something, but all I see are sponges :P I'll have to pick me up a few of those too.
  16. expatpipe

    Greece pipe advice

    I'm going to take a vacation to Greece the first of May. Wondering if anyone has any tips for what to look for as far as pipes or tobacco. :puffy: Middle of May I leave for a job on an island in northern Norway and will be isolated for two weeks every month building a dam. Nows my only time to...
  17. expatpipe

    Wanna stand out in a crowd?

    Not an early morning pipe, I'd find myself spinning in circles trying to light it.
  18. expatpipe

    Savinelli Cricket leather covered pipe

    Kinda like a meer lined pipe, people like them or not at all.. I like both. Maxpeters, I love that Longchamp! I have always wanted one. Finally saw one I wanted and put out a bid and won! Will be my pipe of choice while I'm at the horse track. :wink:
  19. expatpipe

    The Potato is a Lie

    Red Dead Redemption. Just got a scope rifle! Time for some happy hunting. :-)