By the way, if the pipe is on the small size I will probably try some VA that I have. If it is a bigger bowl, I will add it to my english/latakia rotation.
I just won an ebay auction for my fourth Mr. Brog pipe. This one is going to be a mystery because it is a random pipe with pipe stand and wood sided pipe tool. I usually want to pick my pipe out; however, for $11.50 plus shipping I figured I would see how my luck does.
I will update this post...
Our neighbor had a monkey that loved tobacco. One day my uncle was visiting and our neighbor brought the monkey over. We all thought it was so cute because the monkey was cooing in his right ear. What we did not notice was the monkey sticking its foot into my uncles left pocket and grabbing his...
I have never tried the LL-7, may have to put that in my next tad order.
I agree with the cherry comment. The lane black cherry however is wonderful, or at least I use to enjoy it. I have not had it in four or five years.
Thank you for the pictures. It really helps me know what to expect for size when I buy one. by the way, what do you smoke in those two pipes? (By the way, I know it is tobacco :lol: )
I own three of Mr. Brog's pear wood pipes and I like them a lot. I have a Kentucky, an Amigo and a Billiard. The only thing I do not care for is that the bowl size on the Billiard is a little on the small size.