@cigarmaster: thanks for the extra perspective! I'll have to try #44. I've really liked every Astley's blend I've ever tried, but that's one I haven't gone for yet.
The first VA that I really fell for is Astley's #109. It's got a really nice, deep, chocolate overtone that I really like. It is labeled as a straight VA, but I detect a very judiciously applied sugar and chocolate/carob top dressing--nothing that will jump out at you, ghost a pipe or get in...
So, I finally got around to smoking a tin of Kingfisher that I bought back in 2008. Of course, it's excellent. Of course, I want more. Of course, it is not available anywhere.
Does anyone know if it is still being produced? If so, how often does it hit the market in the US? I'm okay with...
I've got one of those, too. Very nice size for high-nicotine blends that would otherwise bowl me over. I smoked it a lot this fall as a quick-ish lunchtime bowl.
Coming in 2013!
A new club for the enjoyment of pipes, tobaccos, and good company is forming in Central Iowa. For those of you who may be located in central Iowa, please consider joining us!
Contact any of the following, and we will keep you up-to-date as we plan our...
I've recently begun paying more attention to this as well. What is working for me is to
1) apply flame while drawing on the pipe
2) tamping down the burning strands while not puffing (this kills the ember)
3) apply flame while drawing on the pipe, trying to make sure it is burning all around...
Because I had a hard time putting down a half-done bowl, I eventually gravitated toward smaller pipes. That way, I could smoke nice and slow, but I didn't have to worry about running out of time.
I save the big bowls for late at night.
I have a 60+ year-old Medico that I'm currently breaking in. It smokes great, and I like the size, weight and shape a lot. Aesthetically, it is a disaster--countless fills, poorly fit stem, etc.