I always respected your takes on tobaccos. You are actually the reason I tied and currently have three tubs of Sir Walter Raleigh Aromatic in my cellar. But I just can't stomach Chatham Manor. Russ is a tobacco wizard but this stuff I can't smoke. It literally fries my tongue and roof of my mouth.
I'm not adding to mine after I buy three pounds of Sutliffs Ready Rubbed. After that I'm done. I have enough Prince Albert, Sir Walter Raleigh regular & aromatic and others that I like to last me probably until I myself is going to be put into the Mason Jar LOL :-). After I figured out...
Hi Jiminks, I recently tried Sutliffs Ready Rubbed again. I ended up buying a total of 7 ounces LOL! Sir, that stuff is Delicious! When I first tried it two years ago I guess, it must have been a bad batch made up or something, because the stuff I have now is awesome. I actually still have three...
No sir, you did not come off strongly. I can respect your love for Pegasus. I'm the same way with Prince Albert. When I hear people mixing other tobaccos with PA I cringe. But I guess we smoke what we like. I can appreciate your opinion on not adding CBD to ALL of my Pegasus. I ordered a pound...
Hello Sir, I glad I'm not the only PA smoker here! It's been my all day smoke for a couple years now. When I smoke a bowl before bed it used to be Captain Black original but it wasn't satisfying my nicotine itch. I like a sweet aromatic with my tea at night, so that's when I started with...
I have a good amount of both, and I really like both. Field & Stream is just a toned down Mixture # 79. The cut is the same the taste is the same but like I said, F&S match is just a lighter M79. The only difference in appearance is F&S doesn't have all that sauce on it to where M79 is stickier
Yup, that's what I do now. I had bought a tub of Mixture 79 after trying the bulk which was way better then the box pouch. I bought the tub and smoked it down to around 2 or 3 ounces. I just buy 8 ounces of bulk now at a time and refill the tub. The bulk version it really smooth, nutty...
that is some really good stuff! It's the exact same tobacco as Sutliffs B27 Black and Golden Cavendish. The only thing is that it has to dry out for over an hour.
I actually love it the way I added the black cavendish. I don't think my tastes will change that much this late in the game lol. I am ordering another pound to cellar anyway unadulterated. My all day blend is Prince Albert and I like and have a good amount of tubs of Captain Black. Pegasus with...
I prefer Lane Limited Ready Rubbed over Sutliffs match. From Jiminks reviews on it I decided to buy 4 ounces of it which was my fault because I should have just bought an ounce to try it. Found it very unpleasant to smoke. The cut was like little hard pebbles and it was impossible to keep lit...
I get 8 ounces at a time and a tub of Captain Black Dark. I mix some of the tub with Pegasus and jar them in mason jars. That is how I'm building my cellar. The "sweetened" black cavendish just makes this blend epic! You don't have to add a lot. It sweetens the tobacco just a tad, but it makes...
There are a few aromatic blends back in the late 30s and early 40s. Mixture #79 , Heines Blend, Cookie Jar, Revelation, Brindley's Mixture, Walnut, Sugar Barrel, they were all considered aromatics. Captain Black came out in the 1960s.
It was burning a hole in my cellar. I opened it and been smoking it ever since LOL. I really like this tobacco. I'm going to order another tub of this and EGR. I've read your other post about drying it. I totally agree with you on that. Plus I rub out the chunks as well. The cut reminds me of...
I bought a tub from Smokingpipes recently while getting a few tins of SG Full Virginia Flake. I have tubs and regularly smoke Sutliffs Edward G. Robinson, Mixture # 79 and Dutch Masters Whiskey Cavendish (Old Grandad Cavendish). I haven't opened the Heines Blend tub yet though. To be honest I...
Star Blue is like napalm in my mouth. When I was ordering my 8oz of Pegasus bulk to make my mix, I threw in a pouch of Three Star Blue. When I posted it on fb everyone was telling me that I would love it and that it has a wonderful room note. Well, I can tell you I didn't like it, my wife said...
I love Prince Albert. My first all day was Carter Hall, then SWRA but I was getting bored of that so I bought SWR regular. That was my everyday smoke for two years then I was at Wal-Mart for some reason can't remember why, but I saw the red box of Prince on the shelf behind the checkout lane...