Mixture 79 : Thoughts And History

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Feb 21, 2013
Looking at the codger blends, so called, you have to remember that some of these have survived the demise of hundreds of other blends, some for over a century. So the fact that they keep showing up at shops and shows and online retail sites tells you that someone is buying them, ongoing. I take seriously any blend that is not scarce to purchase, is seldom out of stock, can be bought in almost any quantity and is widely distributed to the great convenience of the customers. Among others, that would be Mixture No. 79. The big sellers are the big sellers. No "out of stock" crap.


Can't Leave
Mar 24, 2019
Liberty Township. OH
Got a tub for the first time on this blend with an order three weeks ago. While the tub note is strongly licorice, on light it's nowhere near as overpowering as reputation would have it. Very mellow burley taste, nice licorice/whisky-vanilla flavor at a medium strength (on a relative aromatic scale). Burns surprisingly well out of the tub, and very well (for me in a briar) with 30 minutes of dry time. Not complex, but very pleasant "sessionable" smoke. If you don't like licorice flavoring no need to try, but this is a more than competent 'daily smoke' with a unique flavoring. I really dig it, and it'll be joining CBRM, London Dock, and Copenhagen Blend in my rotation for no-fuss daily aromatic.
Jul 28, 2016
For the first got a pouch for me to try ,now after some initial bowls of this I can say,this is not bad at all, pretty mellow, licorice is there no doubt , burns well,strength is light to medium, benefits from drying out at least 30min prior to loading up,yet I would suspect this will ghost briars if smoked in one and the same pipe continuously, finally it seems I liked this better than say Lane Limited RR or any of SWR,or Clan aromatic ,furthermore haven't noticed no bite issues,(thanks to 30 -40min drying )


Jul 10, 2015
Dalzell, South Carolina
I see where Sutliff Mixture 79 is sold in bulk and I didn't know that. I've smoked it from the tub and though I somewhat enjoyed it, I found it to be a bit bitey. Is the bulk version different from the tub? My wife purchased my current tub back in 2010.


Feb 21, 2013
chasingembers started a Mixture No. 79 renaissance here on Forums. I wasn't as daring as jersey' and just ordered a pouch, but I find it quite refined. It was fun to joke about it, but it's more fun to smoke it, as it turns out.


Nov 13, 2019
chasingembers started a Mixture No. 79 renaissance here on Forums. I wasn't as daring as jersey' and just ordered a pouch, but I find it quite refined. It was fun to joke about it, but it's more fun to smoke it, as it turns out.
I agree.. it's a truly solid smoke. I may order a bulk pound just to have on hand.
I too ordered a pouch as a tester.
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Feb 21, 2013
Ray47, as you note with your ten-year-old tub of Mixture No. 79, if you have a pretty good rotation of blends and you are a somewhat moderate smoker, a tub can be around for quite a while, but if you like the blend, that's a good thing. I don't even want to guess how long I've been enjoying my tub of PC Chestnut, mmm-mmm good.
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Jan 25, 2019
Philadelphia Suburbs, Pennsylvania
Notice that the guy from Sutliff isn't smoking it... nor does he dare to even touch the pouch for that matter... BIG TELL there!

... and, the Sutliff guy keeps having to restrain and hide his 'evil chimp up to some shenanigans' grinning... and, his eyes keep nervously darting over to Jeremy every few seconds... I guess to check to see if Jeremy is turning green yet; or, if Jeremy is going to blurt out something like: "... I detect the not-so-subtle notes of... green Mennon Speed-Stick Deodorant... or... floral undertones of pink urinal cake...".

Want to have some fun?

Crank your playback speed on the video to 2X mode, and watch only the Sutliff guy reacting to Jeremy smoking the #79 - if you can - and, tell me his expressions and body-language aren't unlike some 5th Grade 'Prank Master', who got caught crazy-gluing all the other kids' combination locks closed on their gym lockers... and yet, while sitting in the chair, outside the Principal's Office, knowing his is in big trouble, he still cant stop snicking and finding the whole thing outragously hysterical...

On a serious, non-licorice, note...

IF - big supposition there - Mixture No. 79 was: "the biggest selling tobacco in the U.S. for several decades...", as the Sutliff man spuriously claims at the 7:10 mark on the video, do they also have an accurate accounting of how many of those pouches only had one bowl extracted from them, and then the remaining bag subsequently thrown-away in sheer horror?

Or, are the surviving victims too terrorized to talk?

P.T. Barnum built an empire on the understanding that there is a sucker born every minute... and perhaps, the original blender of M-79 understood this too...

Or, perhaps he was an evil genius, who decided to unleash this vile-creation on a world of blenders who laughed at his blending theories at the tobbacco blenders academy?

The world may never know... and, it will only cost you about $5.50 for a 1.5 ounce pouch of the stuff to find out for yourself... Just remember two old adages: "You pays your money and you takes your chances", and, "So, abandon hope, all ye who enter here."

No, seriously, it's not that bad... seriously... trust me... go ahead, try it... it's not like something bad is going to happen to you... seriously... :::attempting to hide my snickering::: , and failing miserably, just like the man from Sutliff on the video.

- Sherm Natman

Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Notice that the guy from Sutliff isn't smoking it... nor does he dare to even touch the pouch for that matter... BIG TELL there!

... and, the Sutliff guy keeps having to restrain and hide his 'evil chimp up to some shenanigans' grinning... and, his eyes keep nervously darting over to Jeremy every few seconds... I guess to check to see if Jeremy is turning green yet; or, if Jeremy is going to blurt out something like: "... I detect the not-so-subtle notes of... green Mennon Speed-Stick Deodorant... or... floral undertones of pink urinal cake...".

Want to have some fun?

Crank your playback speed on the video to 2X mode, and watch only the Sutliff guy reacting to Jeremy smoking the #79 - if you can - and, tell me his expressions and body-language aren't unlike some 5th Grade 'Prank Master', who got caught crazy-gluing all the other kids' combination locks closed on their gym lockers... and yet, while sitting in the chair, outside the Principal's Office, knowing his is in big trouble, he still cant stop snicking and finding the whole thing outragously hysterical...

On a serious, non-licorice, note...

IF - big supposition there - Mixture No. 79 was: "the biggest selling tobacco in the U.S. for several decades...", as the Sutliff man spuriously claims at the 7:10 mark on the video, do they also have an accurate accounting of how many of those pouches only had one bowl extracted from them, and then the remaining bag subsequently thrown-away in sheer horror?

Or, are the surviving victims too terrorized to talk?

P.T. Barnum built an empire on the understanding that there is a sucker born every minute... and perhaps, the original blender of M-79 understood this too...

Or, perhaps he was an evil genius, who decided to unleash this vile-creation on a world of blenders who laughed at his blending theories at the tobbacco blenders academy?

The world may never know... and, it will only cost you about $5.50 for a 1.5 ounce pouch of the stuff to find out for yourself... Just remember two old adages: "You pays your money and you takes your chances", and, "So, abandon hope, all ye who enter here."

No, seriously, it's not that bad... seriously... trust me... go ahead, try it... it's not like something bad is going to happen to you... seriously... :::attempting to hide my snickering::: , and failing miserably, just like the man from Sutliff on the video.
View attachment 55479

- Sherm Natman
I've been through several pounds in the last couple of years alone.
May 2, 2020
I like it. Tastes like sassafras root beer and anisette over burley, with a really faint hint of wintergreen. I haven’t smoked the tub or pouch versions, I usually buy the bulk. It seems like there are more complaints about “goopiness” with the pouches than the bulk version, which pretty much has none. The only moisture in the bulk version seems to be water moisture, which dries easily if you spread the tobacco on a coffee filter for a little while. It’s a great Burley-forward aromatic in my book.


Staff member
Sep 4, 2015
Baku, Azerbaijan
I went ahead and took the risk. Right now I am smoking a bowl of Mixture #79, and while typing this my wife is packing her stuff. As soon as she took a sniff she said "Enough is enough, what's next? A lakeland blend?", then she woke up the kids and you know the rest.

Don't get me wrong, I put aside my bias (as well as my pride) and tried to like it, at least something in it. It feels like smoking vomit, the worst part is it doesn't feel like my own vomit. If you had ever been to Russia or a post-Soviet country you might have heard of cloth soap (picture below). This blend exactly tastes like that soap.

The interesting part is, the pouch I have was gifted by a fellow forum member. He sent me some great tobacco samples and a pouch of this, there is a note on it which says "I hated it. Feel free to toss." I think he wanted me to be a perfect person, a pipe smoker who would reach to Nirvana one day, because the perfect pipe smoker is not the one smoking delicious blends all the time, he is the one who has also tried the worst so he can appreciate the good.


Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I like it. Tastes like sassafras root beer and anisette over burley, with a really faint hint of wintergreen.
Wait a minute, when in the name of Josephat has anyone every wanted to taste a mix of vileness like that?

It feels like smoking vomit, the worst part is it doesn't feel like my own vomit.
Bah ha ha... You summed it up for me.

It's like when I read recipes for wines posted by newbies that don't have access to good fruit and they are like... "does anyone have a good recipe for an oaked pumpkin jalapeno melomel?" Blech... I don't even understand... why does one mix those things? What kind of human wants those tastes in their mouth? Fermented pumpkin is not the Autumn flavors of spices everyone associates with Lattes. Fermented pumpkin is the taste of the smell you get when the jackolantern has rotted on your porch... like dead dog fart.

I was at a pipe show and this exchange professor from some country with a very lyrical way of speaking offers me a tobacco he says he has made... turns out to have mint Altoids mixed up with the tobacco that also has some sort of rutabaga taste to it... after I privately scraped that crap out of my pipe in secret, I made sure to point everyone to that guy to try his tobacco... just to watch their faces, and to reassure myself that I wasn't the only one who thought that was just awful.

Then when you see that someone likes it... all I do is yell "WHY?" really loudly inside my heart. puffy


Staff member
Sep 4, 2015
Baku, Azerbaijan
"does anyone have a good recipe for an oaked pumpkin jalapeno melomel?" Blech... I don't even understand... why does one mix those things?

Few years ago we went to a coffee shop with my wife, our boy was just a year old and since he had been born we couldn't go out. Those were the times when that decaf spicy pumpkin latte with extra cream madness reached Azerbaijan. So we ordered two Americanos and started watching people picking up their uber-complicated drinks. As soon as we heard our names we went to pick up our drinks, so here we are in front of the barista trying to get two poor simple Americanos, I can swear that everyone was watching us. We looked at each other and started laughing and left. I enjoyed a Toscano Classico with that simple Americano that day.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 23, 2019
79 can be bought in bulk for $26.96/lb.

Yup, that's what I do now. I had bought a tub of Mixture 79 after trying the bulk which was way better then the box pouch. I bought the tub and smoked it down to around 2 or 3 ounces. I just buy 8 ounces of bulk now at a time and refill the tub. The bulk version it really smooth, nutty, liquoricey and has a very nice room note!