I forgot to add let’s tell everyone how much Sutliff stuff we have socked away because it was cheaper then than it ever will be and look at my stash of mocha strips.
I really think we should keep posting nonsensical out our ass suppositions (under the cover of wicked knowledgeable utube prognosticators).
Much more grounded than waiting to see what happens.
As OP said, all in fun, but still.
This appears to be a McClelland moment for those who missed it and need a moment to call their own and bore future forum members with.
Sutliff wasn’t great.
It’s fine, and a nice thing to find a blend that you can work down (although you noted the potentially negative bowl heating up thing), but ultimately it shouldn’t be an end game goal.
Hey just a thought, but there’s more GH bulk flowing into the States than literally ever before.
Maybe Sykes has already been thinking about the Sutliff situation and has some ideas…..