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  1. originalnutcracker


    I’ve had bad experience with their bags. The size is also impractical if you plan on smoking it. I repackage in smaller allotments in Mylar or jars.
  2. originalnutcracker

    Frustrating Estate Pipe Acquisitions

    Estate pipes can be a gamble for sure. eBay dishes up treasures and trash. I’m surprised at outfits like DPS though. I concur with Smokingpipes doing a great job. I’ve had excellent customer service from them.
  3. originalnutcracker

    ***What Are You Smoking, December 2021?***

    A Castello KKK with a 2017 FMC. Time I started smoking these.
  4. originalnutcracker

    Any Profit in Restoring Pipes?

    I just looked at that listing. There are quite a few nice looking pipes there. Might be fun. What have you got to lose? Just a few hundred bucks...... you’ll get something decent out of it. Doubt it would pay the rent though
  5. originalnutcracker

    Any Profit in Restoring Pipes?

    I used to do it quite a bit. I concluded my time was too valuable- because it can take hours and hours of manual work. I did however develop an appreciation of how to maintain my own pipes. You’ll find those job-lots of pipes have one or two decent pipes to draw you in and then a bunch of real...
  6. originalnutcracker

    Greetings from St. Paul, Minnesota!

    Cool. Welcome from Winnipeg. Actually today I’m wearing my “Stogies” T shirt - great little shop in St Paul!
  7. originalnutcracker

    Peterson’s Chamber Coating - What A Mess!

    The last two Pete’s I got I tried wiping it off. Easy as anything - paper towel and warm water. Looks better, minimal effort. Don’t think I’ll be leaving that crud in there in the future.
  8. originalnutcracker

    The (Un)Official PipesMagazine Secret Santa 2021!

    So Santa braved the cold snap to drop this off. Super generous. A 2006 tin of McClelland Oriental 12, (wow) a Sav 145, and some McConnell Red Virginia. Oh happiness! Looking forward to breaking into these.....
  9. originalnutcracker

    A Little More, Please...

    I would endorse GLP Gaslight. Quiet Nights has a bit less oomph, but is a wonderful smoke. You might also want to look at the Capt. Earls blends: Ten Russians or Stimulus Package.
  10. originalnutcracker

    The (Un)Official PipesMagazine Secret Santa 2021!

    So we can't send them our empties?
  11. originalnutcracker

    The (Un)Official PipesMagazine Secret Santa 2021!

    As a deadhead, I was just like to say - “too many fingers”
  12. originalnutcracker

    Peterson Barley Spigot Release

    Would have liked to see these in the PSB style blast.
  13. originalnutcracker

    Peterson Barley Spigot Release

    I snagged a 69. It will make a nice companion to the Rua 69 I have. ‘Cause 69 is fun......
  14. originalnutcracker

    The (Un)Official PipesMagazine Secret Santa 2021!

    I do fear my math was bad too - you didn't say tins of "what", and accompanying soldiers to keep the two lonely tins company...... well......
  15. originalnutcracker

    The (Un)Official PipesMagazine Secret Santa 2021!

    I see some of you chaps are bad at Math. 2 tins, eh?
  16. originalnutcracker

    The Peterson 4AB POTY Is Coming!

    Same response I got - they'll sell it to me, only if they can ship to a UK address. That's a workable plan, but requires quite a bit more effort and a willing flunky in the UK.
  17. originalnutcracker

    The Peterson 4AB POTY Is Coming!

    Thanks Jim They won’t ship outside the UK (according to website)
  18. originalnutcracker

    New GH Blends

    I wonder if it will make it's way to North America.