It's good stuff. I like both Former's Cross Grain and Straight Grain. The Straight Grain Flake is a VaPer with quite a bit of perique. Right on the edge of almost too much. But the Cross Grain is mellower and a very smooth Virginia. They used to come in these nifty little round tins that were...
Great videos. The machine at STG is new as I recall an older video from them back in 2010 or so showing the same line but with workers hand packing the tins.
What's the best way to hand clean acrylic stems? Most of my acrylic stems look as good today as the day they were purchased. But a few have discolored and dulled, which surprised me. Any tips?
Have been smoking it since 2009, and with tins from 2002. No change from the Dunhill. Same blend, same tobacco, same factory. Only thing that changed is the name on the label. Cheers.
They are quite similar. Skiff is more oriental forward, but SL may have a higher quantity of Virginia leaf. In other words, I don't think SL has more Latakia but instead some of what is Oriental in Skiff is Virginia in SL, if that makes sense. It's just the ratios.
I have had tins with 10+...
My first year buying for cellar was 2010.
In that year I bought (usually 5-packs of) the following:
Escudo, Davidoff Flake Medallions, Davidoff Royalty, SG Best Brown, Rattray's Old Gowrie, Brown Clunee, Dunhill Navy Rolls.
Got a 2oz sample of Newminster 400 Superior Navy Flake in the mail today. Have to say it smells almost aromatic in the bag. Have not smoked it yet. Really hope it's not overly scented in the smoke. We shall see...
After smoking more of this Skiff I now rate this higher than Dunhill Durbar, which has a similar recipe. Wish I could trade my tins of Durbar for more Skiff.
Hey Jim, just a quick question on the Wessex CDF. I recall you recently revisited this blend's review to comment on changed leaf. So I gather you still think it worthy to smoke despite the difference in recipe? Cheers.
Also, there was no hiss when opened. As you can see there is rust on the edges so the seal may have been gone although when tugged on it appeared sealed and snug. You just never know.
I should add that the SG tins from 10 years ago are somewhat different from the ones today. I have heard complaints about the recent seals. I have no experience with the more recent tins.
Good news! Today I decided to open one of my 2012 tins of Skiff Mixture and it was in great shape. These tins have traveled with me across country, been stored in a closet in both the cold of winter and hot summer without temp control. The seal was still good, although I suspect some out-gassing...