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  1. sagar

    Please Help

    Since I live in India, besides drug store tobacco,nothing available here.I am really dying to get some good tobaccos.Is there any tobacconist who could deliver to India?Can anyone help me about that.
  2. sagar

    In 3 Months, My Collection So Far....

    @ misterrogers Just Captain Black, Borkum Riff, Erinmore Mixture(which is good) and Flying Dutchman.I am really getting upset and don't know how long could I go on with pipe smoking.My friend is going to London and Denmark in Dec,he might would get some good tobaccos for me when he'll be back.
  3. sagar

    In 3 Months, My Collection So Far....

    Thanks,now its there.
  4. sagar

    In 3 Months, My Collection So Far....

    The rusticated liverpool(which is my best buy - 350k in Indian currency around 8 us dollar) and the billiard in the top row are my favorites, 2nd(the poker) one in 1st row is a very special gift from my soul-mate and gives very cool smoke as well. The falcon is my new collection...I love...
  5. sagar

    The Squat Bulldog with a New Look

    thanks Kevin.
  6. sagar

    The Squat Bulldog with a New Look

    Thank you Sir,
  7. sagar

    The Squat Bulldog with a New Look

    2 Days before New Look 1 New look 2 I stained the old bulldog & gave it a new look as you"ve suggested me,but how long I have to wait to smoke & how could I get rid of the smell of stain?
  8. sagar

    Please Help Me To Give It A New Look...

    @ Lawrence Can you please suggest me which stain should I have to use?I mean to say oil based or water based?After staining or waxing how long I have to wait to smoke?
  9. sagar

    Please Help Me To Give It A New Look...

    Yesterday I found this old Squat Bulldog in a pipe shop and bought it immediately cause I liked the shape and size. But the flaking of paint in certain areas(marked in red) are not looking so good to me.Since there is no pipe repairing shop, I have to re-paint and polish it by myself.But I...
  10. sagar

    Rest your pipe, or not?

    I have 18 pipes or so,each pipe gets automatically 2-3 days rest.
  11. sagar

    Uncle Arthur Does it Again!!!!

    The pipe is terribly cool man,specially the stem...
  12. sagar

    Uncle Arthur Does it Again!!!!

    The pipe is terribly cool man,specially the stem...
  13. sagar

    About Falcon Pipe

    @ ace57 It would have been my pleasure to give you a falcon pipe as a gift of friendship,Since I live in India,its rather difficult to send you one...but I would try....
  14. sagar

    About Falcon Pipe

    Thank you so much, William..your tips are really helpful to me..and I decided to go and buy that as soon as possible.
  15. sagar

    About Falcon Pipe

    Thanks very much...I really would go for it.
  16. sagar

    About Falcon Pipe

    I have no idea about Falcon pipe.Yesterday I have seen a nice one in a tobacco shop, but can't decide whether should I buy it or not.Just want to know few things about it: 1.Does it smoke cool? 2.Can it be clean like other pipes? 3.What is the specialty about a falcon pipe? 4.If there is any...
  17. sagar

    recently rusticated estates (very pic heavy)

    Excellent work man,you're just too creative..and have ecstatic sense of design.
  18. sagar

    One of pipes I made

    It's beautiful,brilliant work man...
  19. sagar

    Bulldog or Rhodesian?

    Rhodesian, cause the shank is round