Rest your pipe, or not?

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Might Stick Around
Aug 16, 2011
I remember what seems like a lifetime ago, my grandfarther (a life-long piper) telling me "son always rest your pipe after smoking it for a while". I've practiced this belief and it has served me well, resting a pipe for a few days at least after smoking it for a week or so. It has worked well for me and also lets me rotate my pipes (because that special one is the one I tend to want to go to more often). Just wondering if anyone else follows this practise.



Jun 21, 2011
I smoke Falcons and trade off bowls 3 or 4 times a day, just turn one off and turn one on, I have 5 diff. bowls so I have one at rest at all times.



Mar 9, 2010
Of course. When I started out and only had a couple of pipes they got at least one days rest but now it is more like a week or two.



Might Stick Around
Mar 4, 2011
When I only had one pipe, I never let it rest. I took about 3 days off from my pipe and when I smoked it after the third made a world of difference! The tobacco taste better and it even smoked a little better! Always let it rest, even if its only a day or two.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 4, 2011
Yeah, i should take this practice up. I now have 8 pipes and only got them past the Lady of the House with the excuse of needing a rotation. But now that I have my Uncle Arthur pipe for the good times, I find no need to get more. and I hardly rest my pipes and will often smoke the same pipe all week. Actually the last pipe I got(a yard pipe from P&C) has been smoking straight for about a month to no ill effect in my knowledge. Of course I only smoke about 2 bowls a day, but still. I'll keep an eye on this thread, because I really should probably start rotating and resting my little ones.



Oct 18, 2010
I usually smoke the same pipe for the day, maybe 4-5 bowls. I then place it in a growing pile in the workroom, thoroughly clean them all, let them sit and rest for a few days, then place them back in the rack for another go around. I have a good rotation of pipes, so if I get behind on my cleaning it's no big deal.

Jul 12, 2011
When I started and didn't have many briars to be able to rest based on

My smoking rotation, I threw cobs into the mix to help, just an idea, but

Also cobs are my favorite to smoke (maybe even more than my briars now )



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 15, 2011
The logic behind the idea is solid. The practice is harder to adhere to, and I love one or two pipes much more than others. Thankfully, I have never experienced any negative effects. I do however attribute this to the fact that, although my rotation habits are suspect, my cleaning habits are very sound.



Can't Leave
Sep 14, 2010
Longs, South Carolina
I don't mess around with a rotation. I will smoke the same pipe as long as I feel like it, five or six times a day, week after week. Sure, I'll clean it and let it cool down between smokes, but I dry out my tobacco quite a bit before it's smoked which means that moisture tends not to be an issue for me. I'll break the pipe down and clean it with a denatured alcohol a couple of times a week. Being that particular about a rotation would give me a nervous tick eventually.



Can't Leave
Jan 1, 2010
I always follow my grandfathers advice and smoke the same pipe all day, several bowls, clean it and let it rest at least 3 days.In 20 years of following this I have never had any problems and it gives me an excuse for several pipes. I would think if a person only smoked 1 or 2 bowls a day they could smoke the same pipe for several days in a row without a problem.



Might Stick Around
Jun 27, 2011
i rest my pipes after each smoke... i leave them to rest at least 24 hours....

haven't seen any problems while doing that....




Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 23, 2011
i take an approach very similar to tedswearingen. i like to get my tobacco pretty dry, and with a properly caked broken in pipe i have numerous back to back smokings to be no real problem. little moisture; little required rest time. i have a little bent Edwards pipe that i could smoke everyday and he would never get angry or sour... just a nice alcohol swab every once in awhile.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 23, 2011
i do think my new found love of english blands help. on the rare occasion i smoke an aromatic now i feel the need to rest that pipe longer.



Can't Leave
Jan 3, 2011
I'm with Ted. I smoke whatever pipe I like several times during the day and then go on to the next pipe. When I'm down between six to ten pipes they all get lined up and thoroughly cleaned. I rotate my 30+ pipes informally. I have about 15 tobacco blends in bell jars and a tin or two open and I smoke them all interchangeably in all of my pipes. When it comes to a smoke, I grab what I like and go for it. I make important decisions on important matters like what's for dinner.

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