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  1. Flatfish

    New Member

    Is that the Susan Constant replica?
  2. Flatfish

    New Member

    Bottom end of Ceredigion. About twenty minutes from New Quay.
  3. Flatfish

    New Member

    Greetings from the other side of the world, from a country also famous for its sheep. Wales. I can't help you with your question, but there are plenty of lovely, knowledgeable people here who can.
  4. Flatfish


    Greetings from about 4674 miles north east of Texas
  5. Flatfish

    Hello from Salt Lake City

    sorry. Duplicate
  6. Flatfish

    Hello from Salt Lake City

    Greetings fellow non pipe smoker from about 4674 miles north east of Texas
  7. Flatfish

    Barber Shops.

    I'm the same. Been cutting my own hair over twenty years. Fading is difficult. I'm not convinced I can do a better job than a barber. But its free, and I'm already married. Must have saved a fortune. I also cut one son's hair and my father in laws hair.
  8. Flatfish

    The Portuguese Free Bookshop

    How does that work?
  9. Flatfish

    Merry Christmas

    Nadolig Llawen pawb.
  10. Flatfish

    A Favorite Commercial

    Hamlet cigars advert
  11. Flatfish

    Heading to Japan

    Japan is one of the few places in the world that I really want to go to.
  12. Flatfish

    Hello from Colorado

    Greetings from Wales
  13. Flatfish

    New Pipe Smoker from Nashville

    Welcome from Wales.
  14. Flatfish

    Dear God, What is that Thing?

    Looks like a cross between a pipe, and a tool for removing your wellington boots.
  15. Flatfish

    Who has Been Successful Losing Weight and Keeping It Off?

    Diets I think of as temporary. People usually fail and pig out and become larger than ever. Live style change is perhaps a better solution. Smaller portions. Better food. Less junk. You don't have to eat everything on the plate when someone serves you a silly sized portion. You don't need...
  16. Flatfish

    What Pen are You Using Today?

    For a newbie. Twsbi Eco would be my recommendation. Sufficiently interesting. Comfortable. Good nib. Really impressed with mine. I really want to like a Kaweco sport, but I feel they are for hands smaller than mine. Lamy Safari and the similar Al Star. Good quality pen and nibs, but...
  17. Flatfish

    What Pen are You Using Today?

    Today I have used a Twsbi Vac Mini. Excellent pen.
  18. Flatfish

    Any Suggestions For a Rice Cooker?

    I seem to have better results now that I have learned to wash the rice several times before cooking. I use a saucepan.
  19. Flatfish

    Any Tea Drinkers?

  20. Flatfish

    New Neighbours

    Raining heavy today. They are just looking at me. So cute.