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  1. Relax62

    Smoking Flake tobacco tips

    I don’t believe I’m getting a good char light based on several comments, and could probably dry a little longer. I did notice that I tend to lose some flavor if I dry it took much, but I’m certainly willing to try it again! Thanks!
  2. Relax62

    Smoking Flake tobacco tips

    Thank you! I’ve been primarily smoking flakes for a few months, but seems after taking a couple of weeks away from smoking, due to a crazy schedule and having a bad cold, I’m unable to repeat the enjoyment that got me hooked on flakes to begin with. I’m definitely not packing too tight… I’m...
  3. Relax62

    Smoking Flake tobacco tips

    So, I’m only a little over a year into pipes and have learned so much, but still a long way to go, which has prompted me to seek advice/tips. A few months ago I really started enjoying flakes and things went well (although I never really caught on to the fold and stuff method). I recently had...
  4. Relax62

    WTB/WTT: C&D Sansepolcro 2024 (04/15/24)

    I’m really enjoying this blend and like other small batch blends, I either order too much and don’t really like it, or I don’t order enough and I love it! So this fall into the latter! I absolutely love this blend and would be interested in buying, or trading some other blends that I have, if...
  5. Relax62

    ***What Are You Smoking, March 2024?***

    Well… now that I found some Carolina Red Flake… that will be my morning smoke! Been out of it and waiting, beginning to wonder if I would ever get it (at least at a good price)! I’ll be smoking it in my new Savinelli Eleganza 320, with some fresh brewed Earl Grey tea!!
  6. Relax62

    Peterson Systems Bent Billiard Army Mount -Plip

    Thank you for the suggestions! I do admit that I haven’t smoked it since I’ve learned how to pack lighter, sip rather than puff and I used to puff hard, and fast to avoid relights as I felt that made the smoke too hot. Maybe I should apply what I’ve learned and give it another try! Thanks again!
  7. Relax62

    Best Smoke so far!

    Last night I had the unfortunate opportunity to smoke for the first time, since I started smoking a year ago, by myself. I usually smoke in the morning while drinking coffee with my wife, visiting with friends, or at night while sitting by the fire pit while my wife has a drink and we both just...
  8. Relax62

    Peterson Systems Bent Billiard Army Mount -Plip

    Moved from FS thread to General. 2-4-24. Sorry for not having the exact model number for my Peterson, but I’m wondering if anyone knows if I can change out for a fishtail stem and if so, where could I find one? Also, if it’s possible and available… any idea of cost? I really don’t like the...
  9. Relax62

    Best VaPer Straight From the Tin

    Glad you did, because I should have included straight VA’s as I’m really starting to enjoy them as well!
  10. Relax62

    Unpleasant Surprise re Dark Fired Kentucky

    The one that I loved and then disappointed with is HH Dark Fired ready rub. You bring up some very good points that I will try for sure as I really enjoyed this DFK for some time and ordered quite a bit, some bulk and several tins. It was, and hopefully will be, one of my favorites!
  11. Relax62

    Unpleasant Surprise re Dark Fired Kentucky

    That sounds great! Will get some with my next order!
  12. Relax62

    Unpleasant Surprise re Dark Fired Kentucky

    I too started early with English blends as they were the only ones I could really taste and enjoy! Fortunately I still really enjoy them, which is great bc I have a lot. However, I don’t smoke them as often, partly due to my new enjoyment of Virginias and just don’t have the same cravings for...
  13. Relax62

    Unpleasant Surprise re Dark Fired Kentucky

    I store in jars and it was still quite moist when I began preparing to smoke it, in fact… I had to let it dry for about 15 minutes before loading the pipe. Thanks for sharing information regarding the flavors of DFK, as it relates to moisture levels!
  14. Relax62

    Unpleasant Surprise re Dark Fired Kentucky

    Excellent point!! I’m applying your analogy above to the beer I drank years ago to what I like now, and you are 100% correct!! Perhaps I’m trying too many different tobaccos too quickly and in the process I’m not really taking the time to first appreciate and fully understand the blend I’m...
  15. Relax62

    Unpleasant Surprise re Dark Fired Kentucky

    Very good point on #2… I really built this up all day long and was prepared for a great smoke, and may have puffed more than I should’ve. I jar all of my tobacco as soon as I open the tin, or bag of bulk tobacco, so don’t think that’s the problem. Thanks for the response!
  16. Relax62

    Unpleasant Surprise re Dark Fired Kentucky

    Always good advice from you, and others. I’ve not thrown away anything yet, and don’t plan to for the reasons you mentioned. I was just so surprised and disappointed with such a big change in taste! Thanks again for response!!!
  17. Relax62

    Unpleasant Surprise re Dark Fired Kentucky

    Title edited for caps and specificity. Please see Rule 9. Hope everyone is having a great New Year! So, I’m heading into this weekend with some new blends I’ve purchased over the last year and plan to try them (first time) for my first year anniversary of pipe smoking. It’s been a very...
  18. Relax62

    Best VaPer Straight From the Tin

    Great point! To clarify… I didn’t mean “no dry time”. I meant… receive a new tin, open it, dry it to one’s preference, then load and smoke. I’m looking for the best one (s) that are good, smooth, and don’t require years of aging to be a great tasting smoke.
  19. Relax62

    Best VaPer Straight From the Tin

    As some of you may have seen from my previous post…. I’m really starting to enjoy VA’s, Va/Pe’s, and some VA/Bur’s. However, I’m finding that none of them are quite working for me, although the ones that got me started liking them are those that I purchased, smoked (didn’t like), and stored in...
  20. Relax62

    Jim's Seattle Pipe Club Christmas Spirit 2023 Review.

    You’re EXACTLY right! I have friends that spend almost as much on 1-2 Cigars as the cost of 1 2oz. tin of this Christmas Blend! You completely changed my perspective… I got a bargain 🤠!!!!