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  1. Two Pipes Crossing

    ***What Are You Smoking, December 2023?***

    That’s a handsome pipe
  2. Two Pipes Crossing

    ***What Are You Smoking, December 2023?***

    C&D Beast in a Stanwell Royal Prince 185 Edit: Rupert Von Mortimer showing approval from the background.
  3. Two Pipes Crossing

    ***What Are You Smoking, December 2023?***

    Westminster in a Bari Wiking
  4. Two Pipes Crossing

    ***What Are You Smoking, December 2023?***

    Abingdon in a Bari Squash
  5. Two Pipes Crossing

    ***What Are You Smoking, December 2023?***

    Haunted Bookshop in a Savinelli Punto Oro Super 111EX
  6. Two Pipes Crossing

    ***What Are You Smoking, December 2023?***

    Mad Fiddler in a Bari Squash.
  7. Two Pipes Crossing

    ***What Are You Smoking, December 2023?***

    1995 Danish master. I don’t have it yet. Will send you a pm when I get it cleaned up.
  8. Two Pipes Crossing

    ***What Are You Smoking, December 2023?***

    I bought a Stanwell DM today.
  9. Two Pipes Crossing

    ***What Are You Smoking, December 2023?***

    C&D Folklore in a Peterson Ragaire XL02
  10. Two Pipes Crossing

    ***What Are You Smoking, December 2023?***

    Heinrich’s Golden Sliced in a HS Studio 23 🇨🇳.
  11. Two Pipes Crossing

    What Are Your Favorite Pipes To Collect?

    I I’ve got a 2 Bari Canadians, one small one large, a Bari Lovat, and a Bari Liverpool. *Edit, all good smokers. I also have a Theydon Liverpool (GBD offshoot), it’s small and I use that for Captain Earle’s blends, in which that pipe does those blends far beyond justice.
  12. Two Pipes Crossing

    Ten Minute Tiny Pipes

    Yes it swivels out the way and fits in a coat pocket easy. It actually smokes pretty good.
  13. Two Pipes Crossing

    What Are Your Favorite Pipes To Collect?

    Through out time of smoking pipes, I look back and see “phases” of interest. When I was very new to pipes, I would see a maker’s pipe and have the “oh wow” factor or deep sense of wonder and go down the path exploring certain pipes. In time I would move on to the next sense of wonder and...
  14. Two Pipes Crossing

    Ten Minute Tiny Pipes

    Salvatella 55 Spain
  15. Two Pipes Crossing

    ***What Are You Smoking, November 2023?***

    You have some nice pipes.
  16. Two Pipes Crossing

    ***What Are You Smoking, November 2023?***

    Considering what to smoke in this.. It swallows an entire thumb, with some wiggle room. Bari Wiking 7 92G handmade Denmark
  17. Two Pipes Crossing

    ***What Are You Smoking, November 2023?***

    Captain Earle’s Nightwatch in a Theydon 886.
  18. Two Pipes Crossing

    ***What Are You Smoking, November 2023?***

    That’s an awesome Bjarne.
  19. Two Pipes Crossing

    ***What Are You Smoking, November 2023?***

    2023 And So To Bed in a Bjarne.