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  1. Pipeh

    Developing flavorful moisture

    Consider me a moistboy.
  2. Pipeh

    Good and Bad Experiences Smoking in Public

    Profile pic looks good for a 700 year old!
  3. Pipeh

    DIY Aromatic Flavoring Experiments?

    Start searching this site and other sites in the web for key words related to aromatics, including "topping", "sauce", "casing" Check out some threads in the home blending section of this forum: For example...
  4. Pipeh

    Saving Dottle for Smoking Later?

    I've collected it. After a smoke, I would just dump the dottle and ash into a jar. After a few months, I would put the contents into a sieve, and get rid of the dusty ash, then jar up the remainder. I've only smoked a couple bowls, however. It wasn't bad at all, and I wouldn't have much...
  5. Pipeh

    Adding other Smokable Leaves to Pipe Tobacco?

    I like to add a small bit of eucalyptus or sage from time to time when walking in my backyard. not for an entire bowl, just as a pop of different flavor. And I've found a large selection of kinnikinnick at a website called Grandfather's Spirit...
  6. Pipeh

    Old German Clay Pipe Question

    I can't compare to these double walled pipes you are talking about, since I don't know anything about those, but I did get an old german clay pipe with an acrylic stem. The way that the stem connects to the pipe was surprising to me - the clay stummel and the plastic stem are coupled together by...
  7. Pipeh

    "Cure" for Latakia Mouth?

    I stopped using it because I got paranoid about the parabens in the ingredients, but also because I don't really suffer from tongue bite anymore, and my pipe-breath has become less noticeable to me.
  8. Pipeh

    Cinnamon and Cloves?

    I have heard that Samuel Gawith's RB Plug has clove in it, but I can't seem to get it in the US. I was hoping that I might be able to purchase some when I take a UK trip later this year, but now it looks like every UK e-retailer I can see is running low or out of stock.
  9. Pipeh

    Caitlin Clark left off Women's Olympic Basketball Team.

    No, it's currently in the General Pipe Smoking Discussion section, not the General Discussion section. I tried skimming through the thread, but didn't see any reference to the players doing alley-oops with a cob full of...
  10. Pipeh

    Caitlin Clark left off Women's Olympic Basketball Team.

    Shouldn't this discussion be in the General Discussion section?
  11. Pipeh

    Storing 8oz+?

    If you don't notice any change, they you are probably fine. But for me, I noticed that my tobacco became too dry within a few weeks after opening a tin, and I didn't enjoy it as much, so now I immediately move it to a mason jar. That experience is also why I don't heed the oft-suggested advice...
  12. Pipeh

    80+ Tobacco Sampler; Help Develop My Palette

    If you want to make it more complicated, you should consider that blends can change over time, either the manufacturer changes, or the factory formulates it differently, or the growing conditions of the tobaccos are different, or the length of time and conditions of storage can change. Also, the...
  13. Pipeh

    Medical Doctors who Smoke a Pipe?

    Q: What do you call someone who graduates medical school at the bottom of their class? A: Doctor
  14. Pipeh

    Folding And Stuffing Flakes

    In my experience, stuffing too much into the pipe makes it harder to stay lit. Try loading the pipe again, but this time use 25% less tobacco than you did the first time.
  15. Pipeh

    Grow Your Own

    Pipe Smokers Den has a growing tobacco section: Growing Tobacco - Also Fair Trade Tobacco has a forum: Growing tobacco - (My apologies if it's verboten to link to another forum)
  16. Pipeh

    School me on Nicotiana Persica

    Some interesting reading: Welcome to Encyclopaedia Iranica - a lot of stuff about tobacco in Iran Species - Modern Snuff - Indicates that it's grown by the Iranian Tobacco company and that they have a monopoly...
  17. Pipeh

    School me on Nicotiana Persica

    I was looking at "London Bridge Is Falling Down", illustrated by Peter Spier, and there is an illustration of a tobacco shop (CA 18th century?) and there is a big jar marked "Nicotiana Persica" (along with jars marked Rappee, Java, Rustica, etc.) Wikipedia has an article on Nicotiana alata...
  18. Pipeh

    Pipe Maker Jonni Adams on Radio Show of January 16, 2024

    Fun guest. Also nice to see a guest photo of someone with a big smile, instead of the grumpy-looking bearded guys all the time, ha ha.
  19. Pipeh

    Rubbing Out Flakes.

    I heard mention of that video a while back and I couldn't find it either. I found Per's instruction on how to fold and stuff spun cut coins ( ), and it was so helpful to me that I really wanted to find the flake-specific video. I kind of think it may have been linked in the following blog...
  20. Pipeh

    Just How Dry Should It Be?

    The first time I tried 3 nuns (ca. 2020), I opened the tin, smoked it and loved it. Unfortunately, I left it in the tin. A couple weeks later, it had dried and was far less enjoyable. The smoke seemed to be more acrid and harsh. Even after rehydrating it, the mojo was gone. So for me, drying out...