The Pipes Magazine Radio Show is proud to announce the launch of The Pipes Magazine Radio Show starring Brian Levine. is the only solely digital magazine, and online community, targeted to pipe smokers and collectors worldwide. The e-zine bills itself as "The #1 Source for Pipes and Pipe Tobacco Information."The Pipes Magazine Radio Show is the only online radio talk / entertainment show in the world that is targeted to pipe smokers and collectors.

The show host, Brian Levine, has been in the pipes and tobaccos business for over 15-years. Mr. Levine is well-known both within the industry and to consumers alike. His friendly, witty personality, along with his encyclopedic knowledge of pipes and tobaccos has established him as an industry expert. He is well-liked and respected by many in the business. His résumé includes working for Alfred Dunhill, Hollco-Rohr, IPCPR, Villiger-Stokkebye International, he was the General Manager of, and is currently the Sales & Operations Manager of Brigham Pipes U.S.A. Brian is also the best known collector of Disney Pipes [see inset half way down].

The Pipes Magazine Radio Show is your source for news, talk, entertainment and all things pipes. We will discuss additional pipester lifestyle subjects like cigars, food, fashion, scotch, sports, movies, shows—but mostly the show will be about pipe smoking and collecting. There will even be interviews with well-known pipe smokers, collectors, musicians, and of course; tobacco blenders and pipe makers.

You can listen live, or download the archived show to your mobile device and listen in the car, café, during your daily run, or in between classes, (not during class, please).

New shows will air on Thursdays at 8 pm, and the archive will be immediately available for download to your mobile device for listening during your Friday morning commute.

Stay tuned for The Pipes Magazine Radio Show debuting this Thursday night, September 20 at 8 pm.

Brian Levine Hosts the New Pipes Magazine Radio Show
Brian Levine Hosts the New Pipes Magazine Radio Show

More Pipes and Tobaccos Articles

46 Responses

  • Wow, I am really looking forward to this. Thursday evenings are a little problematic for me but I will be sure to download it to my PC for later listening.
    Brian should be a wonderful host. He has really taken on a big task here. It will take hours of work just to do a 30 minute show.
    Is this a live show that will also have call-ins by listeners or will it be taped a head of time??

  • This sounds great. Looking forward to “tuning” in. Be great to hear whats going on around the industry and about other relevant things.

  • Great idea and I’m looking forward to it! For those of us somewhat challenged in the IT arena, could you please explain briefly how to tune in and how to download? Thanks!

  • For those of us with a slight challenge in the IT arena, could you please briefly post directions on tuning in and downloading the show – I don’t want to miss it!

  • @ kcghost – It will be both. Call-ins will be later in the year.

    @tbradsim1, Alan, & midniteryder – It will be online, steamed from

    A new post will go up with a link to click that will launch a pop-up player.

  • Please consider making this a proper podcast and providing a podcast feed (including through iTunes).
    I’m really looking forward to listening!

  • Would love to listen to show….but can not see what stations are carrying it.?.?.?
    Since is a tobacco show assume it is not NPR.
    If and when somebody finds out what stations it is on PLEASE send out a note.

  • @John Owen – iTunes just approved us moments ago and we will be available there when we go live on Thursday.

    @Stryder – repeating my comment above – It will be online, steamed from

    A new post will go up with a link to click that will launch a pop-up player.

  • You guys know that reddit has had a Pipe Tobacco podcast for several months now? Kinda strange to say you are the ONLY ones.

  • Mike, read my two comments – counting down from the top, comments #13 & #20 will answer your question.

  • I’m excited to tune in!
    To go along with JeffiethePirate, I This Week in Pipes is a real pipe tobacco podcast, I don’t think it is right to dismiss the show just because you don’t believe that it is “professionally produced”.
    Regardless, I am excited for the show and will try and catch the airing. Best of luck!

  • @Kevin if the case is that it’s the only professional and commercial podcast, maybe you should use that as an advertisement, instead of telling people there are no other podcasts out there.

  • I think this is a novel idea for the pipes and tobacco sector, and I hope it catches on and grows in popularity. It would be great if it included industry news, like mergers, legislative initiatives, changes in production and distribution, and new product roll-outs.
    Of course, I will still rely on for the particulars, the pictures, and the links to advertisers — let alone the forums; but the new information format is a welcome development, and I’m eager to “meet” the many personalities involved in our pastime.

  • PS. It just occurred to me, Kevin; you may be the only pipe smoker on the planet without a match! (IYKWIM) 😉

  • protect the gloves or hands of female Royalty from stains who smoked cigars in private
    Carl Staudenmyer

  • Thanks for taking the risk and doing this show…
    It was a little hokey,entertaining and a good bit informative.
    I appreciate that you don’t take yourself too seriously. One of the wonders of this site is the variety of opinions and willingness of the members to help out no-nothings like me. Please, never lose sight of the fact that some of us enjoy this pipe thing BECAUSE it is archaic and not mainstream.
    That story about the Cruise ship… we’ll it certainly will influence where I spend MY money.
    Again, well done and keep us laughing, groaning and muttering.

  • Can’t wait hear episode three.
    Thanks to episode two, I tried McClelland’s Frog Morton.
    This is a delicious latakia blend; one of the mildest, coolest, enjoyable tobaccos I have tried to date.
    Frog Morton will be an everyday smoke for me.
    I would have been unaware of it, if not for episode two.
    Thanks Brian and Mary!
    Fr. Dave