Pipes Magazine Radio Show Episode 401

Welcome to The Pipes Magazine Radio Show Episode 401! Our featured interview tonight is with Rich Esserman. Rich is a well-known collector of pipes and tobaccos. He is best known for his love of extremely large pipes, many of them Dunhills. Some of the extra large pipes he has were actually made as attention getting window displays, but he smokes them anyway. Why not? Just be careful when he shows up at the tobacco-sharing table with one of them. šŸ˜‰ This show is our second in a series of “Seven Questions for Seven Experts”. Over the course of seven weeks, we will ask seven prominent pipe collectors the same seven pipe related questions, and see how their answers compare. At the top of the show, for our pipe parts segment, Brian will talk to me, Kevin Godbee, about drink accompaniments for light aromatic tobaccos. Sit back, relax with your pipe, and enjoy The Pipes Magazine Radio Show!

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Rich Esserman
Rich Esserman

Link to article in rant: Scientists Studying Nicotineā€™s Potential to Treat COVID-19

The Pipes Magazine Radio Show features interviews with pipe makers, tobacco blenders, pipe and tobacco aficionados, collectors, and more. Episodes air every Tuesday.

Our show is sponsored by SmokingPipes.com, Cornell & Diehl, Missouri Meerschaum, Savinelli Pipes and Tobaccos. Please give them some consideration when making your next pipe or tobacco purchase.
We hope you enjoy our 1-hour show produced just for youā€”the pipe smoker and collector.

Rich Esserman Interview

More Pipes and Tobaccos Articles

5 Responses

  • I’ve always been impressed by Rich’s encyclopedic knowledge, since the [I]Ephemeris[/I] days. For more than 20 years, I’ve made it a point, at the Chicago Shows, of spending some time with Rich and fellow Chicago club member, Chuck Rio, at their table. Time well spent.
    Rich’s insightful answers to the “questions” were very edifying and just plain fun. Anyone who doesn’t have a membership/subscription to NASPC’s [I]The Pipe Collector,[/I] is missing Rich’s wonderful articles.
    (And, why aren’t they members? Shame.)
    You can’t go wrong with Queen, and that was an inspired choice.
    Kudos on the rant.

  • Late congratulations on the 400th episode! Well done. I’m really enjoying this series of Samurai questions. I’m looking forward to hearing the different responses to the same questions. Great idea.

  • Brian, congratulations on your 400th episode of The Pipes Magazine Radio Show! I’m a relatively new listener working my way back through the catalog. I’m back to episode 351 now, and of course, I keep current on the new episodes, as well as Food For Thought. I enjoyed this week’s part two of Seven Questions for Seven Experts, as well as all of the other episodes I’ve been listening to. I’m glad I found you, I’ve been smoking a pipe for 40 years, and it’s never been so socially interesting as it has been over the past decade. The internet has brought us old timers so many more opportunities than we used to have, to buy a seemingly endless variety of both pipes and tobacco. It’s also never been easier to connect with other pipe smokers socially, either in a virtual environment or in pipe club meetings and events. I love what you’re doing, Brian, and I look forward listen to you for years to come!

  • Just another good show with a Giant of the Hobby as guest. Rich really knows pipes and gives good advice on how to acquire them. I really can’t understand how he smokes a combination of blends. Everybody else would take the individual tobaccos and combine them but he takes individual tins and combines them. It’s amazing.
    I nominated a guy for Doctor of Pipes but apparently he didn’t make the cut. The selection of Sykes Wilford and Jeff Knoll was well earned. Jon David Cole for Master of Pipes was well earned. I can’t remember who won for the hobbyist but it was well earned also.
