Dedicating Or Pairing Pipe With Leaf.

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Oct 25, 2013
New Zealand
Tonight I was packing my tools into the truck and I got a message from my wife that she had ordered fish n chips from down the road and I was to retrieve them. I was feeling slightly irked to find myself driving without a pipe, but SLIGHTLY preferred that deviation of routine to the thought of my chips going soggy from the extra wait time. As I drove out I leaned on something on the armrest and realised I had an old beat up falcon on hand, and so with a renewed sense of optimism and a sloppy corner gear change I reached around behind my seat until I found a jar of something. The 'something' turned out to be Sutliff's Edgeworth match. AND A MATCH IT WAS! This old falcon, and my ready rubbed match are going to be my first attempt at, if not a marriage, then at least a long term monogamous relationship between Mr Falcon and Ms Edgeworth.

Recently there was a thread where our resident Captain showed a beautiful pipe he was dedicating to a single tobacco. I know this practise is fairly common amongst you folk, but I was wondering how much rhyme or reason goes into the equation for each of you?

In the past I have really only dedicated pipes in the sense that I have given them rough genre boundaries like "thou shalt not latakia this one" or 'yum yum bubblegum gooey aromatic corncob".


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
I was wondering how much rhyme or reason goes into the equation for each of you?
None at all. Tobaccos taste the same to me regardless of which pipe I smoke them in so my dedications are more out of whimsy than anything. Here's a few I have dedicated.

This one looks like an old volcanic island rising out of the sea. Perfect place for a pirate treasure; Black Frigate.


This is a fugu blowfish. I associate blowfish with the orient. Orient-oriental; Yenidje Highlander.


This one looks blistered from intense heat. The red flaming acrylic band on the stem conjures images from Dante's work; Devil's Holiday.


This one, carved by a fan of opera and classical music, has a stem adorned with musical notation; Symphony.


This one's carver loved Three Year Matured Virginia, and the lapis mortise strongly resembles a tin of TYMV.



Mellow Mallard for this guy.



Enabler in Chief
May 23, 2019
I have some dedicated pipes. As the Cap’n said, mostly whimsy. For whatever reason that day the tobacco tasted great when that pipe was devirginized so I stuck with it.

Savinelli Spigot Sterling 315KS Bordeaux——SPC PP SR

Kaywoodie Relief Grain Poker Churchwarden—-Esoterica Tilbury

Brigham Klondike Canadian———Penzance

Vauen Auenland Eron Sandblasted Churchwarden——-Old Gowrie

Tekin Meerschaum Latticed Tomato (7+ inches)——McClelland Xmas Cheer

Peterson Irish Harp 606——McClelland 40th Anniversary

Peterson Dracula sanblasted 87 apple——Cult Blood Red Moon (only smoked on Halloween)

Old Dominion Jamestowne Clay——-Margate

Comoys Scrimshaw——Black Frigate

Other than that a lot of pipes only get english blends, other Va/Vaper, others aros, others anything, etc.
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Oct 25, 2013
New Zealand
I think in the past I have had the ratio of a small amount of pipes to a much larger list of blends I liked, and was trying. Now that I have a few pipes pulled together and my blends have been very much narrowed down I assume I will find myself pairing things up, although probably not exclusively....


Sep 2, 2015
San Francisco Bay Area, USA
I don't really have enough pipes to dedicate pipes, but I do kind of keep them genre-specific. But even that isn't very rigid. Just the other day I wanted to try a VA blend in a wide-chambered pipe, so I used my "Latakia pipe" and it was fine. Certain blends I've found work best in a certain pipe, and so I'll dedicate a blend to a pipe, but it's one sided, as my pipes are never monogamous in return :)


Feb 21, 2013
I decided I wasn't going to chase ghosts. I guess if I smoked Lakeland aromatics with the rosewater and geranium flavorings, I might designate two or three pipes, but for everything else, and since I have north of eighty pipes, I don't worry about it. A little afterglow from the last blend along with the current one doesn't strike me as bad, but I rarely taste any such thing. Particularity and fussiness doesn't suit the mood with which I approach a pipe. I feel more dreamy and expansive. Also, I don't build cake, and don't need a reamer, so there is less for ghosts to haunt.
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