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Review: Cellar-Diving with GL Pease JackKnife Plug Vintage 2011

Jack Knife Plug with Dunhill Poker

This cellar-diving kick is really paying off, considering the time and effort that went into stocking the coffers with tobacco meant to be enjoyed with some age on its side. […]

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It started out like any other day, then the world changed. I woke up, made my morning espresso, waited for the fog to clear, and set about my affairs. Part […]

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Cellardiving with GL Pease – GLP Westminster 2007 Review

GL Pease Westminster

Having been rather pleased with my last foray into the further reaches of my cellar, it seemed like a good theme to stick with for a bit. Last month’s Sunset […]

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Give it a Rest

Nate King Cutty Pipe

Something somewhat out of character has been afoot in the House of Pease. For more than  a week, I have been smoking the same pipe every day, sometimes twice. What’s […]

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The One that Got Away

Nearly forty years have passed since I produced my first commercial tobacco blend. It feels like yesterday. It also feels like a lifetime ago. I’d been working part-time at Drucquer […]

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The Golden Ticket: Two Days at The Richmond Pipe Show

Sutliff Vintage White Burley

The last breath of summer sun stretched out long over the James river in Richmond Virginia, collecting in little pools that reflected a golden glint to the travelers on Manchester […]

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The Pipe Doesn’t Matter

Heeschen Pipe Twins

I hear the rumblings already. “What a load of codswallop, Pease? Of course the pipe matters.” Sure it does, but I can’t count how many times I’ve read similar words […]

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Prepping for Pipe-gating

The Pundit's Fall Haul of Pipes and Tobacco

Say, what is that aroma wafting about? Latakia? Yenidje? Izmir? Maybe. But could it be college football season is in the air and tailgate cookouts are smoking up the place? […]

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Pipes Magazine Radio Show Episode 467

Welcome to The Pipes Magazine Radio Show Episode 467! Our featured interview tonight is with retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Devo Devereaux. Devo has collected pipes from all over the world, […]

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G.L. Pease Samarra Review 2011 Vintage

G.L. Pease Samarra Tobacco

There are few things nicer than experiencing the satisfactory hiss of a tin of pipe tobacco that’s been waiting for you to pop it open for a decade.  The smell […]

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