I enjoyed reading through these responses from a thread I missed awhile back. There were some blends mentioned that I've always meant to give a try to, but haven't YET.
Back when I started, I wanted to search and experience and taste 'em all.
To answer the op's question succinctly and honestly: SWR
To go into the subject a little more, I began to buy not only tins but bulks for comparison and 'in search of'.
After about 3 years of exploration, I have been mixing my own 'stuff' and varying my mixes depending upon the varietals I use. Over the long haul, I've saved money, and I've enjoyed my mixes, which tend to have various amounts and types of Virginia, Burley, and Perique. I've got Izmir, Latakia, and somewhere, some Vanilla Cavendish if I get bored with my regular genre.
I have a large sterlite storage/mixing bowl and I just keep a mix in it and load my pipe over it to keep from getting crumbs on the floor. Then, it's outside for either a walk, a bike ride, or just to sit in a chair and inhale fresh air.
I probably smoke about 6- 8 bowls a day? I have tins, too, of course, but typically it's been costing me about $250 or less a year for tobacco that I really enjoy!. I live within my SS income.