what's that? I assume you mean my new policy of trying to help you with your resolution.That’s cute
The description of this tobacco is intriguing. Seems to work on paper but it appears somewhat polarizing.Edward G. Robinson is a close second. A very close second. Oh and if you haven't tried it yet, well then I have one question which is why did your mom go to an obgyn named Doctor Butterfingers (I kid of course) but seriously it's amazing stuff. Only a dedicated aromatic hater could find that one not totally worthy of their semi regular rotation.
it's quite a thing to behold. The thing is it is one of those what else is like it? Answer another tin of it. It's very balanced between flavoring and tobacco. I feel like it might even be a window into a style of blends that isn't really as common these days. It's worth a try though. It is on my short list of blends that I might cry for an hour or two if it got discontinued. Even a lot of the stuff I like a lot I could live without. This and a few others just aren't. I'll put it another way I felt like I made a mistake by not just ordering the tub instead of the sample size (what most people call tins, but they're sample size).The description of this tobacco is intriguing. Seems to work on paper but it appears somewhat polarizing.
what's that? I assume you mean my new policy of trying to help you with your resolution.It's all in fun, and also in my confusion about not liking aros. They're certainly on the bottom of my list of what I want to smoke. Yet I find the hate of them to be like finding someone that hates cake. It's cake it's good. Sure I'd rather have a nicely cooked real meal but who doesn't want some cake?