I have been really interested in Pipes for about a year and a half ( for several years before that it was just a corn cob and a few aromatics). This fall and winter tobacco has been what I have bought. A close friend of mine has also really gotten into pipes this winter and he has already bought way more pipes than I own. (I want more but keep buying blends instead) I have only stocked away a few blends I really like Newminister 400 I have well over 1 lb I bought 5 or 6 tins of Escudo and FVF I have bought several tins of OGS I bought three bags of Esoterica because I found it for a really good price at a B&M. I have maybe 5-7 unopened tins of blends I want to try and maybe 12 tins or bulk blends open and in jars I am working through. My philosophy has been to buy blends and then stock up on the ones I love. The problem I am running into is what Cosmic said I like them all. I am not an English fan but so far but all the Burleys, Virginia, and Perique's I have tried (that are not aromatic or just light flavored) I like . Even blends that I might not like as well when I first try them like Haunted Bookshop, Sutliff 507 or Dunbar after putting them up or stoving them or just coming back to them and I love them. I am struggling to decide which blends to stock up on. There are many blends I want to try both hard to get and readily available but I am trying to put myself on pause. My current strategy now is to stop buying and to work through what I have open and to ask myself at the end of the tin or bulk blend sample do I want more of this or am I board with it and want to try something else. If I want more I will go in for a bigger order. I have put a big dent in my C&D Briar Fox tin that is a blend I will probably by several tins when it is gone (or 1lb brick) . I do really enjoy trying new things but I want a sold supply if prices go crazy. Not being able to get a blend I do not see as that big a deal for me because I enjoy so many blends as there are other quality blends to buy. I can not say that price or country of origin are good indicators of how good a blend will be to me. I like Esoterica and I love FVF but it is not better then aged Newminister 400 or 403 or most all C&D blends I have tried ?

I really enjoy variety. I have even found a aromatic I really love by KBV but I am not going to go deep on an Aromatic.