I wrote that the pipe didn't make my life better, not that I hate smoking. I loved my wife, I love my daughter and I even love my dog. Pipes? I enjoy them, I don't love them or love smoking them. I do not dislike smoking. I enjoy my pipe. I enjoy cigarettes and cigars. But, I would never suggest to someone that they begin burning up their hard earned wages. It's a decision that should be made with care, weighing the risks and rewards. It's not a decision I would want to involve myself in as it might bite me in the butt later and lead to resentment or estrangement.
A few minutes of self-gratification does not make my life better, it mostly helps to pass the time and sometimes augment another activity. I think smoking is a selfish choice (I made it), expensive (I can afford it with no detriment to my lifestyle or adverse impact on my family), makes my vehicles smell ( I really do not smell it as others do), lowers the value of my vehicles and home, sometimes burns holes in my clothes, and is certainly not a positive to my health.
I should now list the reasons I smoke so you can understand that I do not hate smoking. I enjoy it as it satisfies my nicotine addiction, has reduced the number of acquaintances (not friends) and I am rarely asked to attend social functions (which used to bore me no end) and so rarely have to make up excuses for declining them. My pipe is a nice adjunct to a good book and glass of Port. Smoking keeps the bugs away when in the woods or at the marsh with the camera and gives me something to do while contemplating or waiting for a shot
So, while I may grudgingly admit that smoking has social advantages and in some ways makes my life easier, I also hesitate to say that it made my life better. Smoking just is something I do with little thought anymore. After 55+ years it is a reflex or habit.