The question misses the point. About thirty percent of blending (or fine cooking, etc.) can be put in a looseleaf binder and imitated. All the chain restaurants do that, and sometimes, with luck, the results are quite edible. That's beside the point. The McClelland outfit made an art out of it, and went far beyond any directions they could offer, any outline they could put down. You want Picasso, you have to hire the man himself, with all his quirks and troubles. Otherwise you get a forgery. A good forgery, or a bad forgery, but a forgery all the same. The couple gave it their all and showed what could be done, and if someone else wants to do something similar, of their own, in their own right, let them take that journey, make their own discoveries, and see what they can do. It won't be McClellands, but it could be something good.