Mothernature: I have to disagree. When I was in college during the years you could smoke on campus, in the dorms, library and even classes, I had plenty of women approach me and many asked me out because they were interested in "The Pipe Smoker." When I ran a comic book shop later, same thing happened. Once, about twelve years after I finished college, I was sitting outside a grocery store smoking my pipe when a woman sat down next to me and asked if I had gone to UNC-G years ago. When I said I had, she exclaimed,"I knew it. You're 'The Pipe Smoker'! I always wanted to meet you." She proceeded to tell me how she used to follow me around campus, but she never had the nerve to come up and talk to me because she didn't know me, and that was shy about it. Then, she asked me if I was married. I said I was and added, "Where were you when I needed you?" I got a good laugh from her, and a good story out of that encounter.