I want one of those new Tesla Pick-ups
Them shits are ugly, but I'd rock one for sure. Too rich for my blood....
I want one of those new Tesla Pick-ups
Sounds perfect, especially the part about being able to work on it yourself.I can work on it, parts are cheap, just liability insurance and my truck tag is grandfathered in at a permanent $52 a year.
The preferred nomenclature is actually “Shitsubishi”I too utterly despise Asian cars. Suxbarus, mAZZdas, Pissans, Pooyndai, Mitsubishit, et al. I have to say, though, much to my Germanophile chagrin, that the wrecked Toy-ota I purchased from a friend about 4 years ago has been a brick. Ugly car, but it's got 4W of sorts, and it's a guilty pleasure when you speed by over thick snow on a piece of junk from the last century and watch those fancy Infinitys being pushed by high schoolers as their elegant and embarrassed owner tries to get out of the snow bank.
Rural areas? The car has never let me down. Here's my rebuilt wreck that was written off as a total loss and bought from the junkyard by a mechanic in a place Cosmic would love to have a few bowls of his favourite blend in:
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Or cars with onboard toilet seats. An externally mounted spare tyre, OK; but, a toilet seat?? Well, emergencies do happen.the American didn't want poorly made, over priced "road whales"
How much oil do they replace at your maintenance intervals?We own a Subaru Outback, best car we’ve ever owned. It goes through snow half way up the door as if it wasn’t even there. I have yet to get it stuck or get squirrelly on icy roads. It will flat out perform any other vehicle I’ve ever driven on snowy/icy roads excepting my Land Rover, which got too expensive to keep running. Also, my “Japanese” Subaru was built two hours from my home in Lafayette, IN.. Also, also...it gets 27-30 mpg all day every day. It’s been reliable as could be as well, I’ve replaced the tires twice and done scheduled maintainence, that’s it!
P.S. I don’t care if you want to drive a Prius or a Dump Truck as your daily driver. Don‘t Tread On Me!
How much oil do they replace at your maintenance intervals?
Is that that thing you can't talk too much about? Excessive oil consumption? Yeah, you can get a buy-back from a manufacturer on that, especially if they try a rebuild or two first & it doesn't fix it, or it comes back.