I really liked the trucks I drove on an internship and in the Navy, but I wouldn't be a happy truck owner at the gas pump unless I really needed the vehicle. As it is, my little four-banger hatch back may go for ten or twelve years and provide all the cargo space I need. But when we rode with extended family in one guy's new Ford crew cab, I was in heaven. Comfortable! But then again, the family has three kids and a horse farm, plus dogs, chickens, cats, and many many horses, owned and boarding. It sounds to me like safety requirements for cars and the sheer volume of production and sales may be key factors, but I'll read the posts over again to see what I missed. I can see people buying SUVs instead of cars, but pickups seem like a stretch unless you have use for one, but then again guys mostly love trucks. Most suburbanites don't need that truck bed, or they don't use it, maybe four times a year. Ref. brad's truck's electronics, that's true of all vehicles now. I had to buy a new battery for my hatchback and it delayed passing the state inspection for weeks while I went back for multiple unsuccessful inspections and a waiver while we all waited for the computer to catch up with the new battery. Scream.