^This is true, except I felt the topping was more prevalent in the new. Not as deep or full, but more "in your face". Missing something, yes. Likely the flavor of the original tobaccos were stronger. Also, my only experience with the original was a plug Simon sent me that had a lot of age on it, and that could explain why it seemed both mellower in the topping department and sweeter. I maintain that if you have never tried the original, or have only had it once or twice, you won't hate the new(unless you hate them both). I totally understand how someone who smoked Irish Condor their whole life would notice a difference and be put off by the change. If I had my choice I'd pick the original every time, but I enjoy the current production enough to smoke it and not have to point at a doll to show where it hurt me!My take on the differences is that the new stuff doesn't seem to use as strong of a tobacco; strength in boldness of flavor and nicotine. And, the topping tastes, less prevalent and maybe missing something.