And so it begins... Please Google for further details - Hawaii is now moving towards becoming the first "smoke-free" state. While the current laws, bills, and proposals tend to use the word: 'cigarette' (as opposed to Tobacco), understand that in many cases, they are using typical shovel & umbrella tactics, and have lumped vape into the mix as well (which is neither tobacco nor smoke). A 'Cigarette Ban' - once instituted - can quickly become an umbrella Sale of ANY Tobacco Ban (as in Pipe Tobacco)with some quick sleight-of-hand and usually met with little resistance. Just as bans on 'smoking' in some public places apply to us Pipers as well as our cigar and cigarette smoking-brethren (even vape steam?!?), there are certain bans with certain qualifiers - such as "smoking" a foster home - or smoking in private homes, and even smoking in your own car. Of course, the "protection of children" is ALWAYS the catch-all auto-rationale (i.e.: excuse) in these cases. BOTTOM LINE: Once Hawaii goes Smoke-Free - or completely bans Tobacco altogether, it sets a precedence for any/all of 48 contiguous states - perhaps the one you live in - to grab this political football and run with it. If that happens, much like they did to Mr Potato Head back in the late 80s - In 1987, Mr. Potato Head became "Spokespud" for the annual Great American Smokeout and surrendered his pipe to Surgeon General C. Everett Koop in Washington, D.C - the government may eventually come for YOUR PIPE next - but it begins with "Cigarettes in Hawaii".