FWIW, my experience benefitted tremendously by getting lots of different styles and sizes of estate pipes closer to the $40-70 (and even less when possible. I recall an $11 win on Ebay) range and learning the differences each pipe provides, and then, to the best of my ability, determining why.
Straight/bent; chamber size; draft hole size; filter/non-filter, "dry" systems, etc. Lots of subtle variations to learn about. Sometimes you learn you hate something, sometimes you're pleasantly surprised about what seems to work for you.
At the same time I was able to notice that different blends functioned quite differently in these pipes.
I personally feel it was the variety of pipes that helped me learn how to become more proficient in my process so that I was able to "overcome" some of those little variables and to better master my tobacco.
The end result being that the pipe now has less effect on me, and I have more effect on the pipe. But I'm continually honing in on what I prefer.
For example, I found that I truly enjoy a P-lip. A controversial topic to say the least, but controversial because it has an effect. You only learn what that effect is, and whether or not it is for you, by trying it.
I would not have wished to learn all that on the $ pipes you're referencing, but that's just me.
Good luck.
Oh, and cobs. Cheap-ass cobs were in the mix as well.