I wouldn’t put a Price Range on buying, other than a Limit at the most you could afford, because price doesn’t always equate to a better smoking pipe.
Also, spend a lot of time looking, because there is a massive world of pipe carvers out there, and just when you think you’ve seen something you like, guess again, there will be hundreds more.
Here are some names to look at online, and be sure to look for their Instagram to see some nice pics. Just realize, there are hundreds more out there. Also Do a Search in Instagram; Briar Pipes
Probably too, in the next 2 years, your tastes in pipes will change, and maybe always changing, so I wouldn’t spend a lot right now.
Have fun looking..
Alexander Pipes
George Boyadjiev
Martin Cermak
Francois Dal
Bay Denmark
Dominik Demon
Andrea Gigliucci
David Huber
Nuttens Pipes
Flavia Rodrigues
Jose Rubio
Regina Scarlatta
Artem Shcherbak
Smith House Pipes