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Dec 30, 2012
Jfox, with windchill here it apparently feels like 9F. It's 21F still, but that is so warm compared to what it's been I actually sat out on my deck last night and felt comfortable.



Part of the Furniture Now
May 24, 2013
brdavidson, With wind-chill 1F. We all have been have some pretty low temps with wind-chill as low as -30F.



Dec 30, 2012
Yep, we hit -40 or -42 which is the only point in which the Celsius and Farenheit scales are the same temp. Of course that was with windchill. I'm afraid one of my brothers from Western Canada will chime in and call us all wimps as that is a regular temp for them out on the prairies.



Dec 30, 2012
It is a balmy -12 here in Northern Ontario. It's almost time to take off the parka, put away the Huskies and try to keep my igloo from melting. I'm Canadian eh

I hear you Purple, our blood is a little thicker in general. I'm assuming you mean Celsius by the way? It's -6C here or 21F for us in the GTA.
They can keep it.

They sure as hell can Jfox!!!
It's supposed to hit 62 F today, but it feels warmer in the sun.

That's just plain mean Houndstooth! lol



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 22, 2013
This is the coldest Winter that I can remember. So cold that I miss the humidity, though our cold is damp :wink:
Current temp 44F. Too cold and windy to fish the gulf.
Last week we had ice and could see more before Spring!
South Loosiana.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 28, 2013
That's just plain mean Houndstooth! lol
It is a little, isn't it? I felt bad posting it, but please know that I do honestly feel for y'all who are dealing with some harsh weather this Winter.



Mar 19, 2013
In the upper corner of the Pacific Northwest, it's damn cold (for us).
When I got up it was 20 degrees, the high was 32 degrees and with the wind chill it was 20 - great day for the Seahawks parade, over 700,000 people turned out and they were naturally blue.
Nights are in the low teens. You all have my sympathies . . .



Aug 10, 2010
Cheshire, CT
Brdavidson said:
Yep, we hit -40 or -42 which is the only point in which the Celsius and Farenheit scales are the same temp. Of course that was with windchill. I'm afraid one of my brothers from Western Canada will chime in and call us all wimps as that is a regular temp for them out on the prairies.
. As a former Winnipegger, I can tell you that we hit -40°C/Fahrenheit plenty of times, and that was before factoring in the wind chill. Last month, the temperature in Winnipeg was so cold that it was not only colder than the north pole, it was colder than the surface of Mars. With all that, we walked the dog every single night.



Dec 22, 2013
New York
Here in NYC its pretty messed up but we don't have the ghastly wind chill factor that people further up state get hit with. My roof deck/terrace is covered in snow as is my table and chairs and I have no idea were my plants are buried under this lot. Some cheerful soul now informs we are going to get even more of this stuff on Saturday. After 20 years in NYC I think I may consider moving somewhere warmer since this has to be the worst winter but one that I remember. As an after thought if I ever meet that PC retard who banged on about global warming I would sure love to give him the treatment!



Aug 10, 2010
Cheshire, CT
Condorlover1 said
As an after thought if I ever meet that PC retard who banged on about global warming I would sure love to give him the treatment!
hate to break the news, but strange as it seems, the cold snap we've been experiencing is a direct result of global warming. Look, this isn't politics, And it doesn't matter what Democrats or Republicans say. What matters is what scientists say, and they do it by taking temperatures around the globe over a period of years for starters. Now here's the current situation in a very tiny nutshell: there is a large area in the North Pacific ocean that is experiencing warmer temperatures. 7°F warmer, in fact. That's a lot of water to warm up, by the way. (There's your global warming.) As a result of this warming, the West Coast is experiencing significantly higher than normal temperatures and a rather punishing drought. Flowers are blooming in Alaska months ahead of season. All this warming going on in the western part of the nation has caused the jet stream to shift and push over toward the East Coast bringing us our much colder than normal temperatures. So yes, Condor, I hate to break it to you, but what we are experiencing here in the northeast really is global warming. It's not something that politicians on either side need to debate--it's time to do our part to reduce the carbon emissions that are one of the factors bringing this about.



Dec 22, 2013
New York
ravkesef that maybe so but if we look at the last three hundred years we get a slightly different picture. The United Kingdom until the early 1860s was pretty chilly and didn't warm up until the 1870s, go back to the 11th century England as a whole was very warm and during the Roman period was the major centre for wine production - I know English wine, what a horrible thought. I just feel these things are cyclical and we are going through a cold/warm period on a typical 30 odd year course. I remember in the 1960s winters were very cold whilst the 70s and 80s were very mild in the UK. What I find amazing is that it has become an excuse to raise revenue. Buy an airline ticket for $700 and you will find $300 is made up of Green Taxes. Sort your garbage the wrong way and you get fined. Exactly how much of that revenue has saved one polar bear or reduced any carbon foot print. I mean are we putting down our pipes to reduce our carbon foot print? Cows produce more methane, a climate warming gas than anything man could cook up - well except if you had a really good curry! That being said it is nice to see people passionate about something. Me, well if it reduced the snow in NYC I would be delighted! Have a good night guys as I am off to bed after quick pipe full of my usual.



Aug 10, 2010
Cheshire, CT
The earth is not flat. Every one knows it is dish shaped otherwise we would fall off the edge!
true. I had forgotten that one essential fact, but living at the center of it all, we sometimes overlook these little details. I did visit the edge a few times And found staring into infinity to be quite a thrilling experience!



Dec 22, 2013
New York
Brilliant! So you would also agree that if we went too far into the distance we would fall off the dish and get eaten by the nasty green serpent that sits under the dish? Well thats what it says on my e-scroll richly illustrated by the great medieval thinker Friar Fanoitengeezer of Wibble!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 26, 2011
Lower Hudson Valley, NY


Partly Cloudy
Past 24-hr Precip:

0.12 in (est.)
The snow predictions for the weekend are all over the range so we will see. This winter has been the snowiest (?) and coldest that I can remember, but other than the slight inconvenience of waking up earlier to shovel, it hasn't been that bad. My chickens aren't happy though.

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