Opened a new pouch of SWR and had my second bowl of the day. As much as I enjoy CH, I have to say SWR is my favorite. The simple sweetness and touch of tobacco just fits the mood when I want something nice and relaxing.
Condor....I just love ghosting my briars with it. Sadly it's impossible to get here. I have one unopened pouch left which will no doubt be opened next time I imbibe too much whisky.
I'm just getting into codger blends. So far, I like Amphora Virginia and Amphora Original Blend. As a new-ish pipe smoker, I have a feeling I'm going to really enjoy pure Virginias.
You know, most of the codgers of old smoked the OTC blends as a cheaper substitute for cigarettes. Most of them inhaled. Some of you guys treat these blends with a little too much reverence, as if they were fine tobaccos that need to be revered. To the old guys of years ago they were just a smoke. Touché!
A guy a couple yrs my senior gave me a bowl of Captain Black original/white, a lot better than I would have guessed, nice ghost. My first pouch was Backwoods buttered rum, decent good tasting Va/Bur but it’s coated with a moisture lock unfortunately. I have a SWR aro coming any day, like to try...
SWRA, by far. And aged Carter Hall, I've recently discovered, is awesome. I like them all, actually, with the exception of Paladin, which seems horrible to me. Revelation clones also ring my bell.