I like to have a bowl on my morning and/or afternoon commutes. Helps me relax when I'm amongst the neanderthals that was somehow able to obtain a driver's license.
My latest car pipe useage has been my MM Dagner Poker and my Carolina Gent. They hold tobacco pretty well and are nice and short. I learned that lesson the hard way when I tried to smoke my Rossi Canadian and banged it on the side glass while changing lanes. It's just so comfortable to clench, I forget about it once in a while.
So what's your car pipe?
My latest car pipe useage has been my MM Dagner Poker and my Carolina Gent. They hold tobacco pretty well and are nice and short. I learned that lesson the hard way when I tried to smoke my Rossi Canadian and banged it on the side glass while changing lanes. It's just so comfortable to clench, I forget about it once in a while.
So what's your car pipe?