I hope this isn't offensive. If it is, MODS, feel free to delete! :
But here goes: So anyone who keeps up with the news and the politics of the world has likely noticed that marijuana is on an upswing legally. What with the medical prescription stuff and now even some places are starting to legalize it recreationally, like Denver I believe. And yet, tobacco is quickly seeming to go the way of the three footed chicken-bear. So what's the deal here?
I mean, tobacco has done loads for stabilizing countries in their beginnings and and still maintains them through the outrageous taxes imposed on its sales. But yet, the stereotypical lazy and burnt-out pothead image is somehow gaining way on the legal front while there is seemingly no recollection of the great faces of pipe-smokers throughout history who've done wonders for the world.
So what are the marijuana users doing differently than the tobacco users to get themselves supported politically?

But here goes: So anyone who keeps up with the news and the politics of the world has likely noticed that marijuana is on an upswing legally. What with the medical prescription stuff and now even some places are starting to legalize it recreationally, like Denver I believe. And yet, tobacco is quickly seeming to go the way of the three footed chicken-bear. So what's the deal here?
I mean, tobacco has done loads for stabilizing countries in their beginnings and and still maintains them through the outrageous taxes imposed on its sales. But yet, the stereotypical lazy and burnt-out pothead image is somehow gaining way on the legal front while there is seemingly no recollection of the great faces of pipe-smokers throughout history who've done wonders for the world.
So what are the marijuana users doing differently than the tobacco users to get themselves supported politically?