What's In Your Tobacco Rotation?

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May 9, 2018
Raleigh, NC
Just been a bit curious of late with developing some sort of idea of what I want in a rotation or what I might want to just have on hand. I have a couple that I will surely keep buying, Black Frigate, Boswell's Majestic 586, and probably the periodic PA and CH just for basics, but I'm looking for what some of you have to have in a rotation, and I'm not talking about mixes that have gone the way of the dodo bird here. I'm looking for tobaccos that are readily available, don't look like they're disappearing anytime soon and something a new smoker could pick up easily and stuff into a rotation, buy it in bulk and stuff in jars as a go to, regularly. What do use in your rotation that's not aged/cellared, but maybe your bulk stashes?



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
C&D Yorktown

H&H Viprati

GL Pease Haddo's Delight

H & H Chatham Manor

Sutliff Ready Rub Match

HU Director's Cut

HU Makhuwa

SToP WarHorse RR

RO Perique Series GP-11
Everything else I smoke is aged, at least for a year by the time I get around to it, or more like 5+ years, or it's difficult to find, or it's no longer made.



Can't Leave
Jul 3, 2017
Orlik GS and Dark KY, St Bruno, Dunhill Aperitif, Newminster Navy Flake, PS Bullseye, McConnell London Fine Cut.

I like my Latakia in the mornings or evenings and the others throughout the day.
Then, on the side, I’m working my way through the codger blends. Currently I’m on PA and SWR.

Jan 8, 2013
My current rotation is Black Frigate, Blend for Cary Grant, Belmont Station, Dragon Flake, Luxury Bullseye Flake, Vintage Syrian, BCA, and I just opened up a jar of 5 year old Black House :mrgreen:
Love the new signature image, Carolina. Looks great!



Aug 2, 2016
I've always only kept 2 blends at a time in my rotation. While I recently picked up C&D's Red Odessa and Stratfordshire, I'm wanting to finish up the last of my current 2, LBF and C&D Odessa, before I start on them much.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 24, 2018
North Carolina
Captain Black is a mainstay for me. I like to keep Peterson's Sherlock Holmes, Luxury and Gold Blends on hand. And of course Black Frigate.



Might Stick Around
Jun 3, 2018
Too many to mention but I pick a favorite and go to it for a while until I get bored then change off for a while. What's a while? Could be a day or a week. So much work and decisions.



Can't Leave
Mar 23, 2018
Current rotation: GLP Maltese Falcon, SG Squadron Leader, CAO Eileen's Dream, HU Zulu, and HH Vintage Syrian.

May 9, 2018
Raleigh, NC
Well, in my current stash of stuff I'm working through, I currently have on hand:
MM Missouri Pride (pouch)

C&D Black Frigate (1/2 tin)

PS LBF (2oz)

McBaren Modern Va. (3oz)

CB Gold (pouch)

CB White (pouch)

PA (pouch)

CH (3oz)

ODF Tin (2oz)

ODF Bulk (2oz)

Savinelli Doblone D'Oro (2oz)

Nording Labrador (1/2 tin jarred)

The Country Squires Second Breakfast (3oz)

Boswell's Majestic 586 (2oz)

Boswell's Premium Burley (2oz)
I have these in unopened tins hoarded in my Tupperware tobacco box:

Nording Labrador (2 Tins)

Balkan Sasieni ( 1 Tin)

Drew Estate Meat Pie (1 Tin)
I want to save what I already have saved in the Labrador, but out of all these others, I'm just trying to figure out what I like, what I don't like and what I might want to buy 100 pounds of (exaggeration) or keep a tin of that I like, but won't smoke a lot of. There's just so much out there to explore. Sometimes I do actually wish there were a lot less to pick from. I have 3 jars in my new pipe rack that I want to dedicate to 3 different blends that I can smoke anytime, all day if I want, but still something I will always smoke. Then I can have others I pick from once in a while to smoke. I know one jar will likely contain BF, love that stuff. The other 2, I just don't know at this point in my game.
Love the new signature image, Carolina. Looks great!
Arrrrrrrrr! (means thanks! Savvy?)

Jul 15, 2011
GL Pease anything, one English and one Virginia. Throw a dart, they're all good. Hearth and home black house, captains Earles anything, and a mildly topped burley usually do the trick for me



Jun 6, 2017
It is my (unsuccessful) goal to have only one tin/jar open from each category (VA, Burley, English, VaPer, Dark Fired, VaBur) Of course, many blends blur the categorical lines and the postal staff keeps bringing the stuff... 8)
Currently working through some McBaren ODF, flake and ready rubbed, Acadian Perique, Vintage Syrian, C&D Burley Flake #3, Pirate Kake, PS LBF, GH&Co Brown Irish X, GH&Co Navy Flake, H&H Marble Kake, Frog Morton, SG Scotch Mixture, Peterson Irish Whiskey, D&R Picayune, Ryback, Ramback Balkan, Esoterica Tilbury, GL Pease Maltese Falcon, Westminster and Haddo's Delight. There's also a sample of GH&Co Coniston cut plug taunting me.
I haven't formally opened a package just to smoke for some time. Most of what I'm working on is the bits left from jarring up bulks and random lots scored from our forum classifieds. I take that back. I popped a half pound can of SPC Potlatch and my paws are into it about 6 days a week.
I've got 100 flavors in the cellar I've never even tried. I refuse to go there until I get this mess narrowed down some. Ahh, first world problems...



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Well now some of you are cheating a bit, mentioning McClelland made blends. My list would have been considerably longer if I had included McClelland or Germain's made blends. Tsk! Tsk! I forgot to mention St Bruno and I've been working my way through a tin of Mike and Russ The Mind Meld Virginia Ribbon, which is a very nice medium Virginia blend, but not something for which I would consider paying scalpers prices. I also smoke PS-LBF which needs a minimum of 4 years of age on it before I can smoke it.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
HH Vintage Syrian;


Bengal Slices;

Father Dempsey;


Our Best Blend;

Comoy's Cask 11.
Plus samples of Condor and West Virginia Pig Knuckle.



Dec 5, 2016
Not sure if you'd be interested in VAper, VA-Bur blends or burleys, but that's what I like, and you asked, so here's some suggestions, keeping your perimeters in mind about bulk and availability.
1. HH Burley Flake -- 1 lb boxes are available! (Mac Baren HH products are all available in 1 lb boxes, so HH BF, ODF and Bold Kentucky can be obtained in vast quantities for a savings from buying the same amount in smaller the tins)
2. PS LBF -- 24oz boxes available VA-per with cavendish
3. PS LNF -- as above Va-per
4. PS Toasted Burley -- as above
(PS bulks are a deal and the quality of leaf is high)
5. GLP JKP (VA-bur-darkfired) and Triple Play (same as JKP -- in differing ratios -- but also with perique) -- available in 8oz tins
6. Solani Silver Flake -- Dark fired-VA blend. Smashing, long flakes! good availability but can ONLY be bought in 100g UNSEALED tins. Excellent tobacco -- and the tins are great as bulk matchboxes :)
7. Doblone D' Oro -- killer blend of dark fired/VAper. Only in 100g sealed tins. Readily available.
8. Uhle's 00 -- straight burley that is sort of, kind of but not like Carter Hall, just a great straight no nonsense burley. Highly recommended all-day smoke. ONLY available in oz increments from Uhle's in WI. (better than Premium Burley by Boswell's)
9. Rattray's -- can get tins in 8oz, and easily obtained. Hal O' The Wynd / Old Gowrie / Marlin Flake -- all variations on the Va-bur theme. All are yummy.
10. Now for a special (say Christmas Day special) treat get yourself some HU Tobacco from the pfeiffendepot.de -- I recommend Makhuwa (burley/dark fired/chocolate/oh baby) / Nashville County VA-bur / Director's Cut VAper/ Nyala -- a VAbur with cigar leaf -- oh baby! ... Now none of the HU Tobaccos are cheap but they are worth the hassle and cost. I smoke them as 'treats'. Just don't be like the foolish me who allowed himself 2 months of special 'treats' daily last year, smoking away my stash :) This year I am being more controlled. But trust me HU's blending is too good to pass with trying.



Can't Leave
Mar 10, 2017
My current rotation is:
Gawith Hoggarth & Co.: Kendal Flake

Gawith Hoggarth & Co.: Brown Flake Liquorice

Gawith Hoggarth & Co.: Best Brown #2

Gawith Hoggarth & Co.: Kendal Mixture

Gawith Hoggarth & Co.: #25 Mixture

G. L. Pease: Lombard

Mac Baren: HH Burley Flake

Amphora: Original Blend
Those are the mainstays. I mix in a bowl of other blends to keep things fresh.
I'm looking for tobaccos that are readily available, don't look like they're disappearing anytime soon and something a new smoker could pick up easily and stuff into a rotation, buy it in bulk and stuff in jars as a go to, regularly.
All of the Gawith Hoggarth & Co. blends are available in bulk. The Mac Baren is available in pound boxes, so close enough. Lombard is available in half pound cans, which isn't great, but is better than 2oz tins. Amphora is only available in 1.75oz pouches, but the cost per ounce is still less than Lombard in the half pound can. You could replace it with Lane Limited Ready Rubbed, which is available in bulk at P&C and really load up.



Jul 6, 2018
New York
I look over my stash and see what appeals to me. This produces a fair amount of variability but I find myself reaching more often than not for: Davidoff Flake Medallions, GLP Haddo's Delight, HH Vintage Syrian and GLP Union Square. If I crave an aro, I'll often smoke MacBaren's Original Choice.



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 29, 2013
My current rotation:
Samuel Gawith 1792 Flake

Samuel Gawith SJF

SPC Potlach

Peterson's Irish Whiskey

MacBaren Vanilla Cream Flake


Peterson 3P
... and a vast array of premium cigars!



Jun 5, 2015
I keep only 2 blends in my weekly rotation. Too many choices confuse my unsophisticated palate.

This week I'm smoking Comoy's Cask No.7 and Sutliff's Ready-Rubbed match. Next week - who knows?

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