Not sure if you'd be interested in VAper, VA-Bur blends or burleys, but that's what I like, and you asked, so here's some suggestions, keeping your perimeters in mind about bulk and availability.
1. HH Burley Flake -- 1 lb boxes are available! (Mac Baren HH products are all available in 1 lb boxes, so HH BF, ODF and Bold Kentucky can be obtained in vast quantities for a savings from buying the same amount in smaller the tins)
2. PS LBF -- 24oz boxes available VA-per with cavendish
3. PS LNF -- as above Va-per
4. PS Toasted Burley -- as above
(PS bulks are a deal and the quality of leaf is high)
5. GLP JKP (VA-bur-darkfired) and Triple Play (same as JKP -- in differing ratios -- but also with perique) -- available in 8oz tins
6. Solani Silver Flake -- Dark fired-VA blend. Smashing, long flakes! good availability but can ONLY be bought in 100g UNSEALED tins. Excellent tobacco -- and the tins are great as bulk matchboxes

7. Doblone D' Oro -- killer blend of dark fired/VAper. Only in 100g sealed tins. Readily available.
8. Uhle's 00 -- straight burley that is sort of, kind of but not like Carter Hall, just a great straight no nonsense burley. Highly recommended all-day smoke. ONLY available in oz increments from Uhle's in WI. (better than Premium Burley by Boswell's)
9. Rattray's -- can get tins in 8oz, and easily obtained. Hal O' The Wynd / Old Gowrie / Marlin Flake -- all variations on the Va-bur theme. All are yummy.
10. Now for a special (say Christmas Day special) treat get yourself some HU Tobacco from the -- I recommend Makhuwa (burley/dark fired/chocolate/oh baby) / Nashville County VA-bur / Director's Cut VAper/ Nyala -- a VAbur with cigar leaf -- oh baby! ... Now none of the HU Tobaccos are cheap but they are worth the hassle and cost. I smoke them as 'treats'. Just don't be like the foolish me who allowed himself 2 months of special 'treats' daily last year, smoking away my stash

This year I am being more controlled. But trust me HU's blending is too good to pass with trying.