What Would You Like To See Make A Comeback

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Can't Leave
Nov 14, 2019
Indian Ocean
Was listening to a radio show on the drive to work this morning and they talked briefly about the popularity (or lack thereof) of pipe smokers in today's world and whether it might make a comeback given the lack of under 30's pipe smoking these days, they then mentioned another couple of items they'd like to see and I thought it might make a good thread topic (remains to be seen)

Other items they'd like to see make a comeback:
Trilby Hats
Capes (instead of coats)



Dec 30, 2018
Personal responsibility and the generally accepted norm that it’s not okay to be a complete asshole just because you can.

And newsstands selling decent newspapers and tobacco. Can’t do much about the actual news, but being able to read the news - such as it is - in a quality newspaper would be nice.

+1 for hats too! I’d second the vote for Trilbys and Fedoras.


Can't Leave
Nov 14, 2019
Indian Ocean
Personal responsibility and the generally accepted norm that it’s not okay to be a complete asshole just because you can.

And newsstands selling decent newspapers and tobacco. Can’t do much about the actual news, but being able to read the news - such as it is - in a quality newspaper would be nice.

+1 for hats too! I’d second the vote for Trilbys and Fedoras.

Not sure I could pull off the trilby but I do wear a flat cap fairly regularly
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