Hawky- from my experiences, no a swollen tin does not mean mold. I have opened quite a few swollen tins from a certain manufacturer and everyone was excellent.
Now my opinion on the mold issue is isolated to a certain timeframe. Take it for what it is worth, I've read every mold thread and talked to a few different people, I don't have faith in certain tins produced from June till August of 2016. Other than that time period I'm confident in all of the tins. Problems were recognized and fixed after this time frame. Before the said time frame the mold inhibitor that the original owners of the company used were in place. I'm not an expert but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Select last night!
Now my opinion on the mold issue is isolated to a certain timeframe. Take it for what it is worth, I've read every mold thread and talked to a few different people, I don't have faith in certain tins produced from June till August of 2016. Other than that time period I'm confident in all of the tins. Problems were recognized and fixed after this time frame. Before the said time frame the mold inhibitor that the original owners of the company used were in place. I'm not an expert but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Select last night!