See I was all set to be a good boy and not spend money on pipes for a while. Then this damn box pass came up and taught me that I am a confirmed aromatic smoker, so I have to buy at least one new pipe to accomodate the new tobacco interest. See how I turned that around to make it seem like a necessity. My girlfriend bought it too he he he. Now I feel it's time to buy that Ardor I have been coveting for a while. I can tell that this new tobacco interest is going to have me on the PAD rampage so I will probably buy a new Stanwell and perhaps my first Peterson in the not so distant future as well.
I would absolutly LOVE to have this pipe and add one more J Alan to my collection but I would have to save up for it and it will be gone by then
But realisticly I will probably get this guy David Jones to make me a custom large rusticated poker. I have 5 pipes of his all for around 50 to 60 bucks and they smoke like a dream. Heres his website for you to take a look of his stuff on ebay Here
@surfmac wow!!! that's beautiful...i'll go ahead and say i want that too
i'm still breaking in my Stanwell and LOVING it. but when i next purchase a pipe i think it will be a danish freehand or something similar. here are two that i'm in love with.