What Musical Instruments Do You Play?

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Jun 4, 2014
United States
My chops are rusty but I've performed publicly with drums, tuba, trombone, trumpet; tenor, alto, and soprano sax; and keyboard and wind synthesizer. If you pressed me, I would say I'm a sax player.



Jun 2, 2011
Play or play well?!?!
If you mean the first, a little guitar, a little bass, trumpet, really terrible keyboard/piano if I stick to chords or something VERY simple on the left hand and kazoo.
If you mean the second, nothing, absolutely nothing.



May 15, 2014
I played violin, trumpet and guitar growing up but am woefully out of practice on all three. I could pick up a guitar and play some licks though, I would embarrass myself on the other two. My son has a full drum kit, full size keyboard and electric acoustic guitars in his room. He mainly plays piano and drums though. My daughter plays a ukulele and is about to start vocal training.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 10, 2015
Cool videos! I tried harmonica but couldn't hack the inhaling for a note. Exhale, fine, but not sucking air for a note. I've still got them stored away.
I just got back to guitar about a year ago. I had lessons at age 9, reading notes, then through the basic open chords and the barre chords formed from E and A. I've still got the acoustic from then. No wonder I got frustrated. It's a Chris Adjusto. The A chord killed me as a kid and convinced me I'd never be a guitar player. In 5th grade we had Band in school. Dad had a cornet that I considered taking up, but I chose drums instead to get away from having to read notes again. I really took off on the snare and got my first set in 7th grade. I played with the stage bands from 7th through 10th grade, and the concert bands all through school. Also the marching band in high school, creating the drum cadence for the band in 12th. I kept futzing with the guitar from 8th grade on with a cheap electric that I played through my cassette recorder for an amp. But I never tried to get beyond what I knew back at age 9. That guitar I gave to one of the guys in a rock band I was in after high school so he could smash it up. About twenty years ago I got an electric Ibanez and tried again, but got distracted by other hobbies and sold it within a year. The guitar is unfinished business for me, so last year I got a Gibson and am at it again. I need to practice more. I've got a good foundation and just need to build on it more diligently.



Feb 21, 2013
newbroom, thank you for the excellent blues harmonica. It's real cool in the best, old jazz man sense of being low key ego free and played with full chops. Great back-up and vocal as well. If I were in your "club," I'd stop talking and listen (as too many don't do). If you haven't, folks, give it a listen.



Oct 18, 2013
Great jams Min and Mike ... thanks for sharing! :clap:
I played piano and guitar as a kid and then took a hiatus before discovering the Congas.

This led to a whole array of Afro-Cuban and South American instruments.

Currently in collection are Congas, Timbales, Cajon, Shekere and tons of hand held shakers and blocks.
Here's my Canoe Wood Congas hand-made by Mario of Isla Percussion:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 23, 2015
Great tune @newbroom!
My wife and I both played piano at a basic level before we got married. We raised 4 very musically gifted children. Now that two are away for high school and the other two are away at college we've both taken up new instruments.

I bought my wife a cello for Christmas of 2013 as she's always wanted to learn it. She returned the favor last Christmas when she gave me a nice Seagull guitar. I've been working on it now for a few months. Nothing I want to share with anyone yet, but I am slowly getting better.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 12, 2014
Cobguy, nice Congas. I live playing around with percussion. just because I love it, doesn't mean I'm good at it. It's really cool though when you are jamming with a bunch of people.

Thanks ericthered. I still listen to a lot of prog. Yes we did record the music. I have the files on my phone but have no idea how to share them. Nice photo of you rocking out.

Newbroom, I dig it! Thanks for sharing. My cat was extremely entertained.



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
minfarshaw, you reminded me of Tal Wilkenfeld, who appeared with Jeff Beck the night I saw BB King in Tampa.

Beck had 7 identical Stratocasters stageside and a roadie managing them at all times. The drum kit that they used was immense. More drums than I'd ever seen for one drummer.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2015
Cool videos! Thanks everyone.

I play acoustic guitar. I have an electric but haven't picked it up in a while. I lean towards blues and folk but play some bluegrass and country as well. Before it got destroyed in a flood, my favorite pub had 3 jams a week, 2 of which were unplugged. I have great memories and I learned tons from it.



Can't Leave
Feb 11, 2015
This one time at band camp... I have dabbled with the guitar many years ago, but between Football and Baseball I gave it up. I will tell you though that my wife can play the hell out of the skin flute! :clap:



Oct 12, 2011
Well ...Trumpet, trombone, sax, clairenete,tuba,euphonium,flute,french horn, harmonica,percussion, and etc. Studied opera as a kid, played in rock/swing/and jazz bands for years...



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 10, 2015
Minfarshaw. Your tune reminded me right away of King Crimson.



May 14, 2015
United States
Guitar and clarinet. Odd match up, sure, but I love them both. I've been playing clarinet since elementary school (I'm now 21 and in college), and I picked up guitar around my junior year in high school.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 12, 2013
Not too long ago in 95 I played Clarinet in school for a year. Next school I went too didn't offer it, my dad put my clarinet in storage. I never played again, thankfully I got it back years later.
Fast forward to today, and my daughter wants to play in band next year as the next grade up offers it. I was hoping she would play the clarinet but she went with a flute. We ordered her one and I hope like crazy she sticks with it.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 10, 2015
My ex-wife, back in late 1970s when we were married, had a clarinet and I tried to play it. That vibration on the lips threw me. I never tried it again. A few years earlier I'd tried playing a flute one of the guitar players in my rock band had bought. Without any tutoring I could get decent tone and find melodies on it. Back in grade school, I'd played the recorder (they were called tonettes), and the flute reminded me of that. I didn't follow up on the flute, but at the time I had visions of sitting at the drum set and playing the flute in parts of songs that didn't need percussion. Someday I might get a Native American flute (I think they're called flutes even though they're more like recorders). I love their sound.



Oct 15, 2013
I play bass violin, viola da gamba, recorders, cornetti and all manner of "ancient" instruments. I also compose and arrange.
My wife plays guitar, piano,mandolin,tenor mandolin,fiddle and bass.
Retirement approaches and I'm looking forward to being very busy with musical activities.

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