I'm going to disagree here. Sometimes revulsion IS the statement. And not everyone is going to be repelled by excrement in the desert. Some may be amused or delighted by it.
People experience art in different ways, but they experience it.
Actually, we agree. My point is that so long at the act was one of purposeful creation with the intent to communicate an idea, yes, it can be called Art.
More to my point, a homeless person taking a crap in your front yard and calling it artistic expression when the police show up will not be covered under artistic license.
It could in West Hollywood, .... but not in Palm Desert. We aren't Palm Springs just yet.
Let me rephrase my thoughts a bit. I am sure you have met people who think they can do what you do. However, no one will hire them, they always seem to never find an employer, etc. etc. You look at their work, and the only thing you can think is , "Holy Shit". Yes, we are back to the excrement.
Yes, technically, what they are doing is "art". Yet, there seems to be something missing. That missing component I believe is critical to the discussion of "art". Yes, they have crossed their T's and dotted their "i's", but something is missing. There is no "inspiration". There is no je ne sais quoi connection.
I believe this "quality" is what most people are considering when they scratch their heads and say, WTF.
More to the point, I am hesitant to blame the observer. The artist, in my mind, bears the responsibility for communicating whatever it is they wish to communicate. It no one gets it, it isn't the fault of the observers. EXCEPT in the ART WORLD. Why?
Everyone else has to communicate effectively to sell a product. Shouldn't this be true for artists. They are, in my mind, communicators.
But, as I pointed out to cosmic, this is my definition. I think personal responsibility for what one produces applies to artist as well as electricians. Don't wire my house and tell me when the lights don't light that I should "imagine the darkness as light."