I really should draw up what I did. I used recycled wood for the whole thing. My neighbor tore down his deck that had a lot of really nice 2x10s. The most expensive part was the insulating foam core stuff. Just 2 sheets was all I needed. And, the crock pots... I went to the thrift store and bought four for like $20. They are dirt cheap at yards sales and places like that. I did sink a little into a digital regulator for humidity and heat, but honestly, I have found that just a cheap wireless home weather station... like HERE... works better. I can check it in the kitchen to make sure the water hasn't run out or the heat gets up too high. The crock pots just don't have the control that the fancy digital regulator wants to dish out.
I could have made one even cheaper, but I wanted something I could be proud of, and the wife always shows it to guests to awe them of her husband's ingenuity, ha ha. It sets just off the back deck, so we get to look at it while we drink wine and enjoy cigars on nice evenings. I really need to paint it soon. Maybe add some decorative corner pieces to dress it up more. I am probably going to stay here for the long haul, so might as well make it even easier on the yes.
I could have made one even cheaper, but I wanted something I could be proud of, and the wife always shows it to guests to awe them of her husband's ingenuity, ha ha. It sets just off the back deck, so we get to look at it while we drink wine and enjoy cigars on nice evenings. I really need to paint it soon. Maybe add some decorative corner pieces to dress it up more. I am probably going to stay here for the long haul, so might as well make it even easier on the yes.